Healing Hearts 7: Anything for Their Love Page 3
“Hey, I missed the last party because of work.”
“I know. I heard,” Emma said and Brook smiled. That had been a crazy night, and she nearly wound up with stitches in her arm. Eagan came back with a plate of food and joined them.
“Okay, so what’s the update on the party?” he asked. Brook listened and couldn’t help but to be envious and happy for Emma. Eagan, Houston, and Miller were great men who absolutely adored Emma. They helped to heal her heart after losing Westin. Watching them made Brook think about Conan, and that was stupid of her. They were good men, loyal men, unlike Conan. Luckily it ended before her heart was broken even worse. It was crazy, though, because when she thought about meeting someone perfect and special, she thought of Conan and felt like the chance was lost forever, and she would be alone ultimately with her broken heart and her distrust in all men.
Chapter 2
“I want your team involved with this investigation, Conan, but I have the FBI on my ass itching to get involved,” Lieutenant Commander Williams said.
“We’re doing our best, and the team is making progress. We truly believe this is an organized group of trained individuals. They are strategically striking in areas where people are complacent, wealthy, and where the homes are accessible,” Conan O’Connor replied.
“Well, what do you have now? The break-ins are happening further south toward Mercy and Sussex. This time, people were home and were assaulted. It’s only a matter of time before it turns into murder or a standoff with SWAT.”
“SWAT is ready to assist, and considering the size of Mercy, Castings would be the responding team. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. I’ve got a lot of feelers out there, and my brothers put some out, too.”
“How are Kinchley and Kernan?” Williams asked. “I heard they had a pretty intense standoff two days ago at a private residence, but things ended smoothly.”
“Yes, it did end smoothly, but not thanks to my brothers. You know those two, hard as nails and no negotiating. Their commander was able to talk down the guy who had the gun and was holding his family hostage.”
“Jesus, I hate to hear these stories. Seems nowadays more and more screwed up people walk this earth.”
“Yes indeed, and others are trying to rip off those who are working hard for their money. Which brings us back to this case. I’m reaching here, but I was thinking about those reports from a year ago about stolen property from some warehouses. Could be a connection there. These people seem to know the area, and they disappear pretty damn fast. We can’t figure out how they do it, either.”
“Then you have your work cut out for you. I also spoke with Sheriff Hayes, he has a guy working on the case and is going to add two more. By the way, how is Rocky’s cousin?”
“Still in a coma, but everything looks good. The doctors are waiting for the bleeding to subside further.”
“Very good. I’ll keep her in my prayers. You keep me updated on this case.”
“Will do,” Conan said, and then walked out of the office and to his desk. When he sat down, he couldn’t help but think about Brook and seeing her the other night. Holy shit did she look incredible. Even more mature, sexier somehow, and he felt furious when he heard the other men talking about her looks, her body, and her personality. Pete and his dads were discussing her good looks and Rocky looked a bit jealous. Could he have the hots for Brook or maybe have even made a move on her? It made him see red, and he had no right to. She wasn’t his. He wished she would believe him. To know that Lisa set him up. She did it on purpose, and he lost Brook because of her.
He exhaled. He had been over it a hundred times in two years. Two fucking years, and Brook was less than thirty minutes away. He swore she made certain their paths didn’t cross. He hoped they would, and when he least expected it, they did. Seeing her at the hospital, learning of the risks she took to take down Amanda’s attackers, was incredible. He was mixed with emotions. Pride for knowing her and her capabilities. Fear knowing that she could have gotten shot—he saw what her patrol car looked like, and it was a miracle she wasn’t shot. Anger and jealousy because she was super gorgeous and capable, and men wanted her in their beds. How many lovers had she had since him, he wondered, and then cursed at himself. He was a fool. He didn’t sleep with any women. She killed his heart. Made it so he could never get intimate with another woman. She moved on, so why couldn’t he?
His cell phone went off, and he looked down at it as he exhaled.
His brother Kernan texted him that he wasn’t going out tonight. He had a competition in the morning. Looks like it was just Kinchley and Conan heading to Dillard’s tonight.
* * * *
“Brook, I’m assigning you and Carter to this case. You were both able to stop a potential situation a month ago that involved two men who surely could have been part of this team of home invaders. Several surrounding departments are working together with the state police and even FBI if need be to figure out who this team of criminals are and where they work out of. We’re thinking across state lines, perhaps from up north,” Sheriff Hayes informed them. She looked at Carter and he nodded.
“Okay Sheriff, who is our contact?” Carter asked.
“Conan O’Connor from Castings is lead on this. You two will be working with him and his team. Plan on coordinating something with them as soon as you can.”
Brook felt sick to her stomach and shocked. Of all the detectives, it had to be Conan? Why was this happening to her? She cleared the thoughts from her head.
“Are they sending over files and access to information so we can view this with clear heads?”
“That’s for the two of you to talk to O’Connor about.”
“That was the guy who knows the woman who was hurt and Rocky, too, right? He showed up at the hospital?” Carter asked.
“Yes, that was him,” she said and looked away.
“You were talking to him. How did he seem?” Carter asked.
“He wasn’t on duty, but as a regular civilian seemed fine, maybe a little tough, but I’m sure he’s a good detective. Why don’t you call him and get what we need to get started? I can go back to the case we had and see if there are any leads in there.”
“Sounds good to me,” Carter said, and she was relieved he didn’t ask her to call Conan, though talking to him, hell, working with him was inevitable. She needed this weekend to get her shit together and prepare for this assignment. Mental and physical toughness. That was her focus.
As they left the chief’s office, Carter gave her arm a nudge. He was smirking. “You and me, side by side, working together on a case.” He eyed her over. “We’re going to get close, Brook, and you’ll see I’m a pretty nice guy,” he said to her, flirting.
“I never said you weren’t a nice guy, and for the record, don’t think any of this will change my answer to the same question you’ve been asking since I got to Sussex.”
“Come on, Brook. We would be so good together. In fact, if we solve this case, the sheriff could make us partners. How cool would that be? On the job partners, off the job partners in the—” She raised her eyebrows up at him and he stopped and then smiled. “I’ll call detective O’Connor.”
She nodded and he walked away. She went to her desk and brought up whatever information she could find. Her focus on the case and not on having to see Conan again and again, and hoping no one found out about their relationship from the past.
Chapter 3
“We need to be very careful on the next hit, clean and precise. My guy on the inside says the cops and even the FBI are vamping up the investigation. I would say hold off for a couple of weeks or even a month, but the jobs coming in are too fucking sweet to ignore. Anything too risky we can sell off,” Gill said to his team.
“I don’t like it. We’ve been doing these home invasions for months now, and maybe we need to move on?” Flounder asked, leaning back in the chair and chewing on a toothpick. He had scruff along his cheeks and chin and was in great physical condition ju
st like the rest of them.
“I understand and have tossed around the idea of moving out of here and heading further south, but the thing is, with an inside guy like we have, we can suck more from this place. He’ll inform us if the cops are onto us or close by. He has legit info on when people are home or on vacation and their places vacant. Knows of half a dozen homes we can hit. That’s six in one night if everyone is on their game,” Gill said.
“Six in one night? Fuck that. We can do three. Make sure we’re all clear and get away with it. You know, hit three nearby one another and especially if the homeowners are away, even easier,” Oakley added.
“I say we go for it. What do you have set up for next week?” Perkins asked Gill.
“A nice easy one, I hope. The homeowners are away for the month overseas. A housekeeper comes in once a week, landscaping weekly, and pool guy, too. Thinking we could do it as a day job so it’s less conspicuous. The place has a lot of jewelry, cash, and antique collectibles,” Gill told them.
“So, you need a truck? That is not going to be so easy to hide,” Flounder said.
“It will be one of the pool trucks and we’ll work in the backyard. Thirty minutes in and out. Perkins, you’re on surveillance, Oakley on the layout of the home. The nearest neighbor is far enough away that they could only possibly see a little, but from binoculars. My guy says the neighbors work and leave at eight in the morning.”
“This guy is the bomb, if he’s on target with everything,” Perkins said to Gill.
“I’m paying him big bucks so he fucking better be.”
“Okay, let’s do this. We have the whole weekend to plan it out,” Oakley stated.
“Looks like we’re not getting any action this weekend either,” Flounder added and sighed.
“Save it for when we’re out of here and sitting on a goldmine. Be smart and cover all our bases. Kill only if necessary and move swiftly, leaving no prints or evidence behind. It will be well worth it. We’re a great team, a trustworthy team, and we’re going to be rich. The plan is in motion, and we’re only getting started,” Gill said, and they agreed and cheered before making their plan of action.
* * * *
Brook stood by the indoor gymnasium and watched the men competing in hand-to-hand combat. There were teams of six men and points were earned by the number of debilitating hits and even more for kills. These men were mostly military, some martial artists, but all were currently involved with either some form of law enforcement or training law enforcement.
Gloria Perkins, a state trooper and Brook’s friend, stood beside her.
“That’s Mike Fort out there with the black sash and shoulder-length hair. He is so fucking hot. What I would do if he gave me the time of day,” Gloria whispered, and Brook chuckled.
“Be careful what you wish for. I hear he’s into kinky stuff,” Brook said, and Gloria hummed.
“Sounds up my alley. Always looking for an adrenaline rush,” she added, and Brook looked at her. She was very pretty but not really an eye turner. Plus, she didn’t take anything with men seriously and kind of challenged them all the time. Earned her respect for some and the title “stuck up bitch” by others. Brook had to chuckle though. Gloria had the hots for Mike for the past year. In fact, Brook was pretty sure the only reason why Gloria was even here today was to see him spar and win. However, Brook’s eyes landed on another guy. A good-looking one, rugged, bearded face, big muscles, and he was currently kicking Mike’s ass.
“Who is that guy? What the hell? No one beats Mike.”
“Apparently his winning streak is over,” Brook said, and sure enough Mike lost, and the team with the unnamed soldier, who stood about six-foot-four, raised his hand up and then shook Mike’s hand. Mike was filled with attitude and shoved away from him. The crowd booed and carried on about it, but Brook watched the guy who won walk off and right toward her and Gloria.
“I take it back. I’ll take this guy right here,” she whispered to Brook, and the guy’s eyes landed on Brook and she felt an instant attraction to him. He seemed to, as well, and then she heard someone call his name.
“Kernan! Hey, O’Connor, over here.”
He started to say something to her, but she swung around and walked away, leaving Gloria drooling. Holy God, that’s Conan’s brother.
She headed outside to grab her firearm that was locked up and secured by the shooting range and training facility. The line was short, and the loud buzzer was going off as people who tried to complete the course failed it. She got the looks from several of the trainers from the facility, but they didn’t dare tell her she couldn’t try it or talk her out of it. In fact, a few of them were smug about her trying it out, especially as she asked what the best time was.
She loved being challenged, and right now, she needed to be in the right mode to succeed. As she gathered her things, she kept hearing that buzzer going off, sometimes only a few seconds after another person started the course, and sometimes minutes. As they screwed up the buzzer would keep going off. The course was long, too, and went across the fields and then indoors in the dark, where most made their mistakes and took out civilians or shot at cats and things. It was never the same and so people couldn’t try to trick the course. She was getting ready when she heard a male voice.
“Brook Logan.”
She turned around to see a tall, good-looking older guy standing there with the timer, ear protectors around his neck, and a florescent vest. He had huge muscles and eyed her over.
“That’s me,” she said and then saw the men who were waiting, watching and smirking.
“Ever do this course before?”
He rolled his eyes. “Well, if four buzzers go off, I pull you out so we aren’t wasting time.”
“Understood, and the best time is with no buzzers at all?” she asked even though she knew the answer.
“Correct, but let’s focus on getting through it. I will be right on you,” he said, eying her over, and she could hear the men saying how lucky he was. She ignored them. Then she saw Kernan O’Connor approach with a few other men. They watched her, and she could tell they were saying something about her. It fed her determination to succeed.
“I remain close, but your focus is on completing the course.”
“And yours is on my time and ensuring safety, not getting in my way or touching me. At all. I understand the rules,” she said to him in warning. He nodded.
“Well, when you’re ready, let’s see what you got.”
“Go for it, Brook!” Gloria yelled out, and a few of the guys she knew from the state police were there and they gave her thumbs up. Kernan had his arms crossed over his chest, and all the guys around him were in a dead stare at her.
“Ready,” she said and prepared her weapons. She had a rifle on her shoulder and a handgun, as well as additional clips. She would need to reload three times throughout the course and end with perfect shots fifty yards or so away, shooting while running and then on the ground. She was pumped as she watched and waited for the start buzzer to go off. Anyone who watched would be able to see her throughout the course on the two extra-large television screens, even in the darkness.
The buzzer sounded and her guard followed. She was a little shaky at first, but she made it through the first stage. She shot her gun hitting the target straight on. Several consecutive targets popped up that were civilian and then one with a man holding a hostage, but the gun was down so she took the shot and hit him in the head.
“Awesome,” her guard whispered, and she continued, getting more and more confident as she moved along. When she got to the darkness, it was a bit extreme, but she made her way through, and as an area lit up, there were three armed men, followed by the sounds of gunfire. She lowered then shot, taking them out, and then moved from the barrier and continued.
“Holy shit,” her guard said, and they got through to the outside again. Shots were fired, and she sensed them coming from above her. The blanks hit the groun
d by them, and she pulled back the guard and then knelt, aimed, and fired. She took out the two shooters.
“You’re doing awesome,” he said, and gave her the time as she got to the last set of targets. She put her revolver away and got the rifle. She set it on her shoulder as she moved, and one after the next the targets popped up. She took them out and then ran and shot at the remaining three, then dove into the pit, aligned her gun, and set up the final shot and took out the target, hitting its center and sending off an alarm.
“Holy shit, you broke the record by forty seconds. Holy fucking shit,” the guard said, standing up, and she could hear the cheers and yelling from behind her. The siren was going off, and all these people were gathering to see who beat the obstacle course and set a new record.
“I underestimated you, young lady. You showed me. Congratulations. We’ll need your picture, where you’re from, and you get an invite to the best of the best challenge in the fall. Congratulations,” he said again and shook her hand.
As she walked off the course, she received handshakes and congratulations and, of course, praise from the troopers she knew, as well as from Kernan and the men he was with.
“Kernan O’Connor,” he introduced himself. “Congratulations. That was incredible. You have military experience?” he asked, and she was surprised he was talking to her. Didn’t he know who she was? Hadn’t Conan mentioned her? After all, he discussed introducing her to his brothers. She was confused, so she pretended to not know who he was either as she shook his hand. She smiled, shocked at the instant attraction. Holy shit. He looked super serious even as he spoke to her some more.
“No military experience. I train a lot for fun. I’m an investigator for Sussex sheriff’s department.”
“Seriously? I work in SWAT at Castings. Can’t believe our paths never crossed,” he said, eying her over.
“Guess it isn’t as small as we all think,” she said and heard her name.