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Healing Hearts 7: Anything for Their Love Page 5

  As she rounded the corner, Rocky was there. She gasped, and he held onto her shoulders, looked past her, and she knew he saw Kernan.

  “What happened? Did he try something?” he asked, looking at her lips. They were probably swollen. She wiped them and hoped that he couldn’t tell.

  “Rocky, don’t. Nothing happened.”

  “What do you mean, nothing happened? He looks pretty pissed off right now.”

  She didn’t look back over. “I need to get to the party and join my friends.”

  He released her and she headed right to the party, putting a smile on her face and then joining Faith and Melina as they spoke to some friends. She didn’t want to think about Kernan’s reaction. She just made a mess of things and opened a can of worms, and she had to work with Conan, too. This was going to be hell.

  * * * *

  Kernan walked into the house and saw Conan and Kinchley sitting in the living room. He didn’t know how to bring this up to his brother. Kernan thought about it all night at the bar. He watched Brook talking to different men but then moving away from them when they started flirting or trying to make a move. She hadn’t pulled away from him. The attraction was like nothing he ever felt before, and that was another reason why he was so pissed off. What if his brother hadn’t screwed things up with Brook? Was he planning on introducing him and Kinchley to her? What could have happened? Would they have shared her? At least him and Conan. Kinchley was set in his ways and would definitely think she was too young. She wasn’t even thirty.

  “Hey, what’s going on? How was the event and the afterparty at Gordon’s?” Conan asked him. Kernan took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “What’s wrong?” Kinchley asked, and Conan squinted his eyes at Kernan and sat up on the couch.

  “How the fuck could you cheat on a woman like Brook?” Kernan asked his brother.

  Conan was taken aback. It was obvious by his eyes widening and how he looked shocked.


  “I met her, Conan. I met Brook,” Kernan told him and exhaled. He felt a mix of emotions. He was attracted to a woman who broke his brother’s heart. A woman his brother slept with, had a hidden relationship with and didn’t tell Kernan of Kinchley about.

  “You met here? Where?”

  “At the event today and then tonight at Gordon’s. It doesn’t matter. She said you told us about her, but you didn’t. Why the fuck didn’t you tell us more about her? Were you lying when you said Lisa was all over you and another woman you had strong feelings for caught you and thought the worst? Were you lying about it? Did you cheat on Brook?”

  “Whoa, slow the fuck down. What the hell happened?”

  “I’ll tell you what happened. I met her. We hit it off. The fucking attraction was super strong.”

  “You made a move on her?” Conan asked, standing up.

  “I kissed her, and it was incredible, but then she stopped me. Told me it was a mistake and that it couldn’t happen again. I pushed for answers, and she tells me she knows you. That she couldn’t believe you never mentioned her to me and Kinchley.”

  “I did though. I told you about her. You know what I went through,” Conan said, raising his voice.

  “No, we don’t. You blocked us out. You threw all your energy into work and that was it,” Kinchley said to him.

  “I fucked up. I shouldn’t have met up with Lisa and believed her story about being in some trouble. I lied to Brook and told her something came up and I would meet her later in the evening or tomorrow. Then I’m at the bar and I’m talking to Lisa when she attacks me. Kissing me, putting her hand down my pants. I’m telling her to stop when I hear Brook’s voice. She called me a bastard and then turned around and left. I shoved Lisa from me and she laughed. She set me up on purpose, and there was no explaining things to Brook. She was so hurt and wouldn’t believe a word I said.”

  “She said you told us about her.”

  “I mentioned her the morning that happened. I said that there was a woman I wanted you guys to meet, and remember, we made plans to all meet up at a bar after work. I was going to introduce you to her. To Brook.”

  “Why?” Kinchley asked in his deep, hard tone.

  “To see if you both felt the same way I did about her.”

  “Fuck,” Kernan said and ran his fingers along his beard.

  “You’re telling me you met her tonight and kissed her, felt an attraction to her, Kernan?” Conan asked.

  “Fuck yeah. She’s incredible, and today at the event every fucking guy was hitting on her. She set a new record for the shooting obstacle course by forty seconds. Forty!”

  Kinchley whistled.

  Conan rubbed his jaw. “This is going to turn into a fucking disaster. She’s assigned to a case I’m working along with a few other people we both know. This is the first time in two years we’ll be in communication and, of course, be working together.”

  “You still have feelings for her?” Kinchley asked.


  “You two got yourselves a fucking huge ass problem. Don’t let some woman, some piece of ass, cause a wedge between you. You’re brothers. We’re a team, and we come first always.”

  “Kinchley, repeat that when you lay your eyes on her, when you talk to Brook, or when you see her in action,” Kernan said to him.

  “I don’t want any part of this. You two should part ways with her. Keep it all business, Conan and Kernan, don’t pursue her. It will only cause more controversy and anger between the two of you. Women are trouble, and this one sounds like it big time.”

  * * * *

  Monday afternoon came quickly. Brook was on the phone with one of the witnesses from the case her and Carter were involved in months ago. The further she dug and the more questions she asked revealed a potential lead in the case with the group doing the home invasions.

  She looked at Carter just as Conan and his partner, Torey Holmes, walked into the main office. She was behind the closed door sitting at a desk, and Carter was leaning on it. She nodded her head toward the door as she covered the receiver of the phone. “Let me see where this leads. Go keep them busy,” she said. As she looked back at Conan and Torey, Torey looked right at her and smirked like he was thrilled to be working with her.

  “So, what you’re saying to me is that this guy, six-foot-two, approximately two-hundred pounds, brown hair to his shoulders, mid-thirties, with a tattoo of a scorpion on his neck, was talking like he knew about the robberies and some guys pulling together some truck heists?” she asked the witness, Barry.

  “It was hard not to notice him, and then he was back by the warehouse on Federal Drive. He has a beat up blue Nissan. He’s always bringing in boxes and duffle bags.”

  “When was the last time you saw him?” she asked.

  “I moved out of that neighborhood two months ago,” he informed her.

  Shit. I hope this wasn’t just a waste of time.

  “Well, I appreciate your help, Barry. You take care of your sister and enjoy your new place.”

  “Thanks, Investigator Logan. You can call me any time. I hope I was helpful.”

  “Thank you.” She ended the call and the recording, then pulled out her cell phone so she would have the description at her fingertips if needed. She jotted down some notes, including a description of the guy, and as she stood up, Conan, Carter, and Torey entered the office.

  “How did it go?” Carter asked.

  “Not sure. We’ll check it out and see what happens.”

  “Good to see you again, Investigator Logan,” Conan said and reached his hand out for her to shake. She nodded and shook his hand. Of course, she got that instant tingling up her arm and felt her face flush. Thank God for the tan complexion or she would reveal the attraction she still had for the man.

  “I’m detective Torey Holmes. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Torey said to her and reached his hand out. He was a little shorter than Conan but still taller than her.

  “So, by now you both h
ave all the files on the case, on the previous home invasions, and can get an understanding of the degree of urgency in solving this case.”

  “Yup, and we’re already doing some investigating and leads on our end,” Carter stated as Conan and Torey didn’t take their eyes off of her. She wanted to check her top to make sure there wasn’t anything on it. Instead, she let them battle out their little power trip conversation as she searched for the warehouse address that Barry gave her on the computer. She was pretty sure of the location but she wanted to see if it was in use, or owned by a specific person and who that person was. She would start to investigate from here and then do some surveillance with Carter.

  “What are you working on?” Torey asked her and came around the desk by the computer. She looked at him. He was an attractive guy, young like her, with brown eyes, light brown crew cut hair, and he held her gaze giving her his complete attention.

  She stood up straighter. “Carter and I were just researching an old case of ours. Without wasting time getting into unnecessary detail, we got a little lead on someone who may be a person of interest. Too early to tell, and the information isn’t exactly current.”

  “How long ago?” Conan asked.

  “The guy said two months. He moved, but before he did, the guy of interest was coming and going on a regular basis. Showed signs of doing some illegal activities, perhaps storing some money or product in the warehouse. It could be nothing or he could lead us to more information on this group of guys that were doing hits on trucks,” she told them.

  “Hits on trucks?” Conan asked, and he looked at Torey.

  “We talked to this guy a few days ago and he mentioned something about a short guy called Tiny, who worked for a trucking company and he had been investigated by police and federal agents in a potential involvement in truck heists. We were trying to find a location on him but haven’t come up with anything yet,” Conan said to her and Carter.

  “Does he live in South Carolina or elsewhere?” she asked him.

  “North Carolina, and the last known address was not accurate,” Torey said to her.

  “Did you call his last place of employment or the landlord or owner of his last known residence? Maybe he left a forwarding address or something? If he left in a hurry or was trying to keep moving but still was waiting on payment or something like that, then he would give a forwarding address,” she suggested.

  “I’ll call Mercury. He could find out quicker than anyone else,” Torey said and walked out of the room.

  “I’m going to see what we can find out about this guy Tiny around South Carolina. I’ll run him through the system,” Carter said and also walked out of the room.

  They were alone now, just her and Conan. She could feel how thick the air was. How intense the emotions were between them. She looked back at the computer.

  “Carter and I can check into this warehouse thing and see if we can get info on this guy. As commander of operations, are you going to pick a location for the command center so we can start to spread out what we have so far?” she asked him.

  “I think we’ll be fine setting up a command center here in your department. Sheriff Hayes gave us use of one of the meeting rooms to rearrange as a command center. We can have everything set up within the next few hours.”

  “Okay,” she said and still didn’t look at him.

  “Brook,” he whispered her name. She was practically shaking as she looked up at him. He looked her over, and she fucking felt it. How did he do that? How? She should hate him. Make him feel like a jerk for what he did to her.

  “We should talk.”

  “Nothing to talk about.”

  “That isn’t true. Especially after you met my brother Kernan.”

  She clenched her teeth. “Do you really want to go there? Right now, while we’re working?”

  “No, I can see that it upsets you, and that’s the last damn thing I want to do.”

  “Listen, we’re going to be working together on this case, so you should get something straight. I’m not going to fall for your bullshit and lies. Been there, done that. I’ll also stay clear of Kernan. That was a mistake that shouldn’t have happened.”

  “Not true. He likes you. A lot.”

  “Stop it. I’m alone. That’s how I like things.” She started to look up the info on the computer as Carter walked back into the room.

  “Address is on Federal Drive, a house on the corner,” Carter stated.

  She stood up. “Federal Drive? That’s where Barry said the guy with the scorpion tattoo on his neck was always seen. A warehouse there.”

  “Let’s go check it out,” Carter said.

  “We’ll go with you,” Conan said, and she exhaled and they headed out in two separate cars.

  * * * *

  “What do you think?” Torey asked Conan as they drove behind Brook and Carter.

  “Think about what?”

  “About Brook? Holy shit, she is even better looking than in the pictures I saw and what the guys say about her.”

  Conan gave him a pissed off look.

  “What? Don’t tell me she doesn’t do it for you. I mean, the way her ass looks in those dress pants and how big her breasts are in that top, shit, I wonder if Carter hits on her. It has to be hard not to and to remain professional.”

  “Well, make sure you remain professional. I know her. Have known her for years, and she won’t take a liking to being disrespected.”

  “You know her how?”

  “I just fucking do, all right? Now be ready for anything when we get to this warehouse,” he said, and just as they pulled along the side street, Carter radioed them.

  “Yeah?” Torey said into the receiver.

  “Brook caught sight of a blue Nissan outside one of the houses by the warehouse. Do you see it?”

  “Yeah, got it. What about it?”

  “Barry mentioned the guy with the scorpion on his neck drives that car. The house it’s parked near could be Tiny’s new residence.” There was a pause, and then Carter yelled over the radio, “Oh shit. Look.” The sound of car speeding out of the parking lot by the back of the warehouse came barreling toward them. “That’s him,” Carter yelled.

  Conan watched as Brook and Carter started chasing the car. They pursued and called in for backup to the warehouse and the house as they followed. It wasn’t long before the chase was over. Brook took the turn as the car they chased headed into an intersection.

  “Holy shit!” Torey said and joined in as Brook went to block the vehicle. When they saw the gun pointed out the window Conan was in a panic, worried about Brook or Carter getting shot. The bullets hit the window, and she slammed her car into the car with Tiny and a tall guy in it. Their car smashed into the telephone pole, and Brook’s car smashed into them. A guy was climbing out of the window and running as Conan jumped out with Torey and they both grabbed that guy. Brook was running and yelling, “Stop, police!” to the other tall guy. As he tried to run around the car, she tackled him to the ground and Carter assisted. Conan couldn’t believe it.

  Sirens blared in the distance, and Torey and he had the guy cuffed and laying on his belly as their backup arrived. He could hear Carter asking if Brook was okay, but she wasn’t facing Conan. As the cops arrived and they read the guys their rights, Carter was asking for a first aid kit. Conan and Torey hurried over, and Conan saw the cut on her arm and the lump on her forehead.

  He reached out. “Jesus, you’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine. I hit it on the steering wheel when we crashed and the glass was on him, that’s how I cut my arm. I’m fine,” she said and took the bandage from Carter and placed it on her arm.

  “Check that car. They had a bag in there, and one is on the ground. He dropped it as they tried to take off,” she said to Carter and the responding officers. As they went to look, she stepped forward, but Conan grabbed her elbow.

  “You sit the fuck down. You need to get checked out.”

  “I’m fine.”

bsp; “Myself and the paramedics will determine that,” he stated firmly, staring down at her because he towered over her.

  “We got it,” Torey said and lifted the bag. “Check the entire car, trunk and inside. Look for anything that can lead us to what we’re after,” he said, and she started to walk closer to assist.


  “Conan, this is what I do. Don’t try to make up for lost time by pretending to care.” She pulled away from him and headed toward the car. He caught Torey’s expression and Carter’s. They heard her, and he exhaled and then continued with the investigation.

  * * * *

  Brook was at her desk holding the ice pack to her head and wishing that the pain meds would kick in. The paramedics said she didn’t have a concussion, but she sure felt like she did. Their investigation brought about some new evidence on the case, and product was found that had been stolen from a house six months ago out of state. These guys definitely knew something.

  “Hey, call it a night. We’ll pick it up in the morning,” Carter said to her.

  “I’m just finishing up the report.”

  “Do you need a ride?”

  “No, I’m fine. Thanks, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, and then he left. She was finishing up when she saw Torey leave with Carter, and Conan was talking to the sheriff. She finished the last few lines, then logged out and went to stand up and felt how bad her head hurt. Thank God, her place wasn’t far from the department. She grabbed her bag, and as she walked out of the office she could feel how tired she was and a little dizzy.

  “Hey, you shouldn’t be driving,” the sheriff said.

  “I’ll be fine. It isn’t far,” she replied.

  Conan had a scowl on his face.

  “Goodnight and see you tomorrow,” she said to them and headed out. She got to her car and took a deep breath. Her head was pounding. She needed food and sleep. She headed out of the parking lot and put the windows down. The cool air felt good against her skin, and she headed to her place. When she got to the small house, she put the windows up and then got out of the car when she saw the headlights. Conan’s car pulled up in front of the driveway. She exhaled. He was going to be a pain in the ass. He headed toward her.