Made Men 2: Forbidden Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 7

  Bella looked around them. So did Turbo.

  “I’ll get rid of them if they do,” Turbo told her. She gave a small smile, but Bella was worried.

  “I don’t like Turk. There’s something about that guy.”

  “I know. I don’t like him or trust him either. Even before this job, he came around. Would show up when I was leaving the gym, trying to make nice. He’s very blunt about where he thinks I belong.”

  “Where is that?”

  “In his bed,” she stated, and Bella felt pissed off.

  “The bastard. He’s probably using this business deal as a means to win you over and force you into a relationship. Tudoro is accepting it?”

  “He thinks he’s a good guy, one who can protect me from anyone who may attempt to hurt me. Listen, it’s going to get resolved. I think Tudoro got my drift when I told him off and swore that I would never get involved with or sleep with Turk.”

  “Good. Stand your ground. You’re the toughest woman I know and the most resourceful. You’ll figure this out, and Turk will quit trying to get you into his bed.”

  “I sure hope so, or I may be looking for a new job and moving out of the city for a while, if not permanently.”

  “No. Oh God, Adalina, it’s that bad?” Bella asked.

  Adalina exhaled. “Like I said, you’re new to the way this ladder of authority works in these types of families. I’ll be fine. Really. So what about this?” Adalina asked, changing the subject and holding up a wine glass that was painted, Happy 30th Birthday BiAch!!

  Bella started laughing. “Perfect, and a case of wine to go with it as she drinks and complains about not having a man in her life and being an old maid.”

  They both laughed.

  “Then she is going to love what I decided to get her.”

  “What’s that? I thought you didn’t buy her anything yet.”

  “Oh, well, on my way out of the office, I overheard one of the women talking on the phone with her friend about this nightclub and show.”

  “What nightclub and show?” Bella asked, holding on to the wine glass.

  “It’s a male stripper dance show at Club Marquis. I put in a call to a friend of mine, and I’m waiting to hear about tickets. I’m thinking the whole crew, your other cousins, Malania, Ambrosia, Louisa Ann, and, of course, our crew of eight. It will be awesome.”

  “Oh my God, they are going to go crazy. Should we text them and see who can make it?” Bella asked.

  Turbo cleared his throat and then laughed.

  “What?” Bella asked.

  “You think your men are going to let you go to a male strip club?” He laughed some more then walked a few feet away.

  Bella cringed. “He’s right.”

  “No, he’s wrong. It’s a birthday party for a friend. Besides, Rayanna is going to be in town, too.”

  “How do you know that?” Bella asked.

  “She called me two days ago. She was trying to help out a friend with some arrangements for a restaurant and private dinner party for some guy. Anyway, I hooked her up with Uncle Louie and whatever else she needs, and she mentioned wanting to go out when she arrived.”

  “I wonder if Mateus and Major know that she’ll be in town.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe she wanted to surprise them.”

  “Or something is wrong,” Bella said, filled with concern. She knew that Rayanna still had some stalker guy bothering her and something had happened last week because Mateus sent Covan and Harley out of town for a day.

  “I’m sure everything is okay. So should we text everyone and see who is in?”

  “What night is this going to be on?” Bella asked.

  “If I can get us in, then it’s this Thursday night,” Adalina said, and Bella smiled.

  “Awesome. This is going to be a great additional birthday surprise.”

  * * * *

  Adalina walked into the party room, surprised at all the people who were in attendance. The venue was top-notch and Paulana, Uncle Tony and Annise’s daughter, looked incredible. The decorations were perfect, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  Bella spotted Adalina immediately and hurried over to her.

  “You look amazing. My God, Adalina, that’s one sexy black dress.”

  “Says the woman with half her rack hanging out,” Adalina teased, and Bella laughed.

  “I’m planning on working my magic to get Mateus and Major to let me go to the male strip show Thursday. I can’t believe that you got all of those tickets.”

  “It is going to be a good time. The girls have been texting me like crazy,” she said, laughing. Then Bella’s other uncle, Louie, approached and kissed her hello.

  “No shadow tonight?” he asked.

  “I got rid of the shadow a few days ago and hope it doesn’t come back.”

  He smiled. “I worry about you, Adalina. You know if there’s ever a situation you can’t handle that I’m here for you, right?”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Uncle Louie.”

  He winked. “Champagne?” he asked, stopping the waiter passing by with glasses of the bubbly.

  “Of course,” she said, and he handed her one.

  As she spoke to a few of her friends and the night went on, she did her best to avoid talking to Vinny and Sunny.

  She found out that Vinny, Sunny, and their cousins had recently taken over a liquor route that was very prosperous. She knew about the potential sale from the man who had owned the route for many years. In fact, she knew some men who worked for him because they had done some side work for Tudoro months back. She was happy for Vinny, Sunny, and their family. They were really expanding their business and were establishing a name, reputation, and a power in the city.

  No wonder Tudoro was getting pissed as well as Solencio.

  She absorbed the information and even some gossip by Martin, Uncle Tony’s friend, who said that Vinny and Sunny were letting old employees go and replacing them with new ones because some were believed to have been skimming bottles during deliveries.

  She didn’t think it was coincidence that this had happened to the old man’s business and that it was happening to Tudoro’s business or at least had months ago. She would look further into the back records on Monday at work.

  Soon it was impossible to avoid being near Vinny and Sunny, as the immediate family gathered around talking and telling stories then dancing.

  She felt the arm go over the back of her chair as Vinny sat beside her. Bella was on her right along with Paulana, Malania, and Louisa Ann. Sunny stood across from them by Don, Clemenza, Alfredo, and Toro. Bella’s aunts and uncles stood there, as well, and Uncle Tony was right next to Paulana.

  “I can remember a certain little tomboy causing some trouble during those stickball games,” Vinny said and nudged Adalina’s shoulder.

  “Oh God, yes. She nearly took off Paulie Junior’s head that time. He was so pissed off,” Don added, and they laughed.

  Adalina remembered it well. She’d grown up with these men and women. Their parents were an extended family, and parents to her as well when her aunt wasn’t around.

  “Do you remember when we first started to let Adalina play with us?” Sunny asked, holding her gaze.

  God, she remembered how much she’d adored him and Vinny back then. They were older by several years and seemed so cool. They were tough guys, all of them.

  “Adalina, choke up on the bat,” Sunny stated.

  Vinny coughed as if he were choking, and they all started to laugh. She felt her cheeks warm, and she shook her head and then glanced at Vinny as he stroked her bare shoulder.

  “You were a cutie, and one really good stickball player.”

  “I’m glad you remember that part, as I do recall all of you fighting over having me on your teams,” she said, and they chuckled.

  “That caused a few fights. I think I remember Vinny and Sunny fighting over you when they played against one another,” Bella said, and she looked at Sunny, who w
as in a dead stare at her.

  Adalina hardly paid attention to the others as they talked about the teams and then joked about starting up a game this summer at the park.

  They all stood up when Tony began to make a toast to his daughter Paulana. Adalina smiled as she looked around the group of family, and they were family. They were the closest thing she had to one. The woman who raised her, the one she called Aunt Helena, was really a family friend of the Garlittos. She had often wondered, or maybe hoped, that Bella’s uncles or grandfather knew who she really was and had been sworn to secrecy, but she soon found out they didn’t. Tudoro explained to her one night that no one knew and no one could ever know. He said that, when her father had fallen in love with a woman, that woman became a target. The problem was she got pregnant, and he needed to protect her and that baby. It had been Adalina.

  When she asked what happened to her mother, she was forbidden to talk about it, to ask questions, but one night, when she was feeling emotional, and lonely, and had gotten into a little bit of trouble, Tudoro spoke with her. She had been hanging around a few girls and guys in the high school who weren’t on the up and up and who were doing stupid things and pissing off some people she knew nothing about. He explained how her mother wasn’t alive and wasn’t just some woman forced to give up her baby and disappear. Her mother had been killed by a hit man, who left her for dead and thought the baby had died, too.

  Her father, LaCosta, was able to get people to the scene and save the baby. He went to great lengths to hide her existence, and even now, her father was a man no one could ever catch or identify. He was still active in the black market, and he still ran the businesses but in hiding. Tudoro was the only one who knew that LaCosta’s daughter lived. The other members of her family did not know she existed. So this family, the Costanzas, were all she had.

  She listened to Tony talk about Paulana as a baby. As his baby girl. About the things they did, the time they shared as he watched her grow up. Adalina felt emotional, yet submerged those feelings, never knowing what having a father around to love her and watch her grow felt like. She’d conditioned herself to be self-reliant. Which was probably why she was so pissed off at Tudoro right now. Why couldn’t he accept the fact that she wouldn’t be controlled? That she would choose the man to marry, the one to have a relationship with, and not one that could connect families. She knew this was what the whole idea of her and Turk was about, but it didn’t make sense.

  She didn’t trust Turk, and she still wasn’t certain about Solencio, but she knew she trusted Vinny, Sunny, and the rest of their family more. Was she just holding on to something that really wasn’t there? She wasn’t their blood. The Costanza family was a kind family who had accepted her, invited her in, and more than likely because she was an only child and had no family but Aunt Helena. They also knew she’d been adopted by her aunt. A façade of lies to hide her true identity. Would she ever be free? Could she ever live a normal life? Even for a little while?

  It was too much for her as she slid from the crowd and wandered down the hallway, taking in the paintings on the wall. Trying to push away thoughts of family, or belonging, of being cared for and loved, instead of used or taken as a responsibility. She was somewhat of a burden to Tudoro, even though he didn’t act that way or make her feel that way.

  She sensed someone approaching and saw Sunny and Vinny. She looked around for a place to escape to, the emotion getting the better of her as she turned away. She didn’t like that her initial thought was about someone seeing them alone together. She didn’t get far. Around the corner, away from the crowds of people.

  Strong arms wrapped around her and hugged her tight. “Are you okay?” Vinny asked her.

  She turned in his arms, despite loving the feel of him hugging her, protecting her.

  “I’m fine.” She squinted at him as if he were crazy to even ask such a question.

  Sunny narrowed his eyes at her. “You didn’t look fine. You looked sad.”

  “No, I’m good. It’s a beautiful party. I love your family.” She forced a smile, despite feeling lonely and unattached. She wondered how much her father knew about her life and whether she would see him soon, or ever. It wasn’t as if she could have the same kind of relationship that her friends had with their fathers.

  “They love you, too,” Vinny told her then reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

  She reached up and pulled his hand down but didn’t quite release it until she attempted to move.

  “We should head back.” She went to walk away, but Vinny wouldn’t let her go. Instead, he took her hand and led her farther down the hallway.

  “Wait, Vinny, what are you doing?”

  “What we should have done months ago, hell, that night at Club X.” He brought her into the elevator. Sunny jumped in, too.

  She stared at him and Vinny.

  “What are you doing? This isn’t a good idea, whatever it is.”

  “It’s a great idea, and it’s time for us to be able to talk without interruption.” Vinny stepped closer and ran his hand under her hair as his gaze swept over her breasts.


  He shook his head. His dark brown eyes stared down into hers. Her heart was pounding inside of her chest, her entire body aroused by their presence and close proximity. No men did this to her but the two of them. Two men she couldn’t have. Couldn’t let into her heart or there would be trouble sent their way. She had a life she was forced to live. She couldn’t pretend that she could be with Vinny and Sunny, and especially not now when Turk was being so pushy, when she was trying to focus on this new job and figuring out whether someone was stealing from the company, and with Tudoro forbidding her to get involved with these two men.

  She placed her palms against his chest.

  As he pressed closer, the door chimed, and he exhaled as if disappointed but then smiled softly.

  “Come on. We can be alone, and no one will know where we are or bother us.”

  She thought about that. In her mind, she wanted to grab on to this opportunity to touch them, be close to them, share alone time with them and without anyone knowing. Would they really be alone? Really?

  She took in the sight of Vinny. Crew cut hair, a little longer on top and slicked back, making him look like a magazine model. The suit was custom made, very slick and classy, but the blue shirt he wore underneath set him apart from other men who coordinated with traditional colors of gray and white. This showed his sense of style and charisma. He was a ladies’ man, as was Sunny. They had women drooling over them even before they heard their city accents and their tough-guy tones of voice. She shivered, feeling so turned on. She glanced over her shoulder at Sunny, who was just as good looking with his GQ hairstyle and similar custom suit. His dark brown eyes held hers, and the way his suit pressed against his wide, muscular chest, she could only imagine what muscles were hidden beneath.

  Vinny walked in quick, long strides she could hardly keep up with, and by the time they got to the end of the hallway, Sunny’s hands were on her hips, his body pressed against hers, his lips pressed to her bare shoulder. She closed her eyes and exhaled. She wished she had drunk more champagne yet felt so lightheaded, so aroused it was beyond the buzz caused by alcohol doing this to her. It was lust on the brain, pure and simple. They got inside of the dark room, and Sunny released her hips to turn on lights. The whole place was illuminated in a light glow. A large suite with living room, a view of the city, and they were all alone.

  Vinny brought her into the living room.

  “Wow, this is impressive.”

  He turned her around to face him, and he licked his lips, stared down into her eyes, and then looked her body over.

  “There are some things to go over,” he said, and Sunny approached. She swallowed hard.

  “What things? What is all this about?” she asked.

  Sunny undid his tie and tossed it onto the couch then his jacket. She watched, in awe of his beauty, his mas
culinity, and hardness. He was so serious yet sexy, lethal and capable, yet she didn’t fear him, just maybe his and his brother’s power over her body. In a flash, like some pro, she took in the sexy sight of Sunny. The thick designer watch on his wrist, the fancy cuff links, the dusting of hair along his thick long fingers, then that light scruff along his cheek and chin, and the determined look in his eyes.

  Vinny slid his palms along her hips and pulled her closer. Her attention shot to Vinny again.

  “We don’t know what the fuck is going on with you and Turk, or why your friend Tudoro is forbidding you to see us, to be with us, but we don’t give a fucking shit anymore. We want you. We want more of what we were feeling at Club X,” Vinny told her.

  She let Sunny press up against her back with one warm hand on her hip while his fingers stroked her bare shoulder and neck.

  “We want you, period,” Sunny said and undid the zipper to her dress.

  “Wait. Oh God, we can’t. They could hurt you.”

  “Not going to happen,” Vinny stated and closed the gap between them. He ran his hand under her hair and kissed her hard on the mouth.

  She couldn’t believe what was happening. That they’d planned this and were here with her now. Sunny’s hands pressed her dress down, and it pooled at her ankles.

  “Adalina baby. Goddamn, woman, you are incredible.” Sunny slid down behind her, massaged her ass, and pushed down her panties.

  She moaned into Vinny’s mouth, and when he released her lips, he cupped her breasts and pulled on her nipples.

  “Ours. Tonight you become our woman.”

  She felt Sunny’s tongue slide from the crack of her ass up her spine to her shoulder. His hands slid under her arms and cupped one breast while he used the other hand to grip her hair and head and tilt her to the left so he could kiss her next.

  Fingers slid into her cunt as Vinny lifted her one thigh over and against his hip and stroked her cunt.

  “You’re hot and wet for us. I bet that Turk doesn’t make you this hot and wet. I bet he doesn’t make you come like we can,” Vinny said forcefully as he stroked her cunt faster. She rocked her hips and felt her body ache as she came.


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