Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Read online

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  Maybe she was stuck-up after all?

  * * * *

  Alda was shaking. What was with the sudden pushy flirtatiousness among the four men she avoided like a disease? Starting with Logic at Oliva, and now here with Royce, Train, and Brew. Well, not Royce. That man had a killer look in his eyes and on his face at all times. In fact right now he was in a dead stare at her, looking suspicious of her. She gulped and looked away a moment until Train asked her if pomegranate martinis were her favorite. Train was as big as a brick house and Brew, hell, he was stocky, muscular and supposedly covered in crazy tattoos. It didn’t help that she knew a woman who had a wild night with Brew. That his tattoos were fierce looking. It made her feel uncomfortable and like these men were after sex and nothing more. The woman told her that Brew was wild in bed, demanded control and when they were done he reminded her to never contact him again or even try to approach him. He said if he was interested in doing anything else with her again, that he would let her know.

  Alda slid away from Train and Brew and then pretended that she needed to tell Giada something. It seemed to work as a few minutes passed and they walked away.

  “Scared them off. Was that on purpose?” Giada whispered to her.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Don’t ‘what do you mean’ me. They are interested in you and I’m shocked.”

  “Oh really, why is that?”

  “Because they do not date. They don’t ever show any sort of interest in any woman in front of anyone, and they don’t talk much. Except to me. I make them talk and it drives them crazy. Dominick warned me to not piss them off and so I don’t push so much anymore,” Giada said and smiled as she winked.

  “We were over at Oliva’s bar and I saw Logic. He was…attentive,” she told Giada. Giada’s eyes widened.

  “Attentive, huh? Hmm, I wonder if they decided their attraction to you is too hard to ignore. Maybe this sexy model body has them all wild with desire,” she said to her and eyed over her dress.

  “I don’t think so. I keep meeting one jerk after the next. It’s boring and you know what, work is crazy right now, too. I shouldn’t even be out tonight. I was just hoping it would make me tired enough to sleep through the night.”

  Giada squinted at her. “What’s going on?”

  Alda exhaled. “Just a new product we’re getting ready to launch, the designers haven’t come up with anything the bosses want or like, and the bosses are talking international sales. It’s insane.”

  Now Dominick joined the conversation and looked at Alda then behind her. Brew, Train, and Royce stepped closer and surrounded her, Giada and Dominick.

  “International sales? That could be great. Would you be involved with that and travel abroad?” Giada asked.

  “I don’t know. That hasn’t exactly been my luck in the previous companies I’ve worked for,” she said and took a sip from her drink.

  “What do you mean?” Dominick asked her.

  “I’ve worked for a few companies, small ones like MAX Industries, and when we had a product take off some bigger company would come in and buy us out,” she told them.

  “That’s typical. Do you at least get some sort of severance package?” Train asked her.

  “Yes, I have in the past and thank goodness it’s been enough to hold me over financially until the next job. I’m just getting tired of it. I like the smaller businesses and helping to create and promote the products, but then it’s kind of disappointing not seeing it through to the life of the product. I don’t know, maybe I’m just losing that cut throat attitude necessary with this type of work,” she said and then took a sip of her martini.

  “It can be frustrating, I’m sure. Ever think about starting your own company? Any products or ideas you have that you want to promote or introduce to the world?” Giada asked her.

  She gave Giada a sideways glance and exhaled.

  “What? Did we miss something?” Royce asked very seriously as if offended or like he was left out of an inside joke.

  “Oh, Alda has a few dreams of what she would really like to do. She’s talked about them for years but—”

  “But, I am in no financial position to take that kind of chance and risk. It’s silly stuff. Besides, I’m working for the company right now and who knows what interesting things might happen in the next month or so,” she said to them.

  “Yeah, you could be a world traveler, having to fly overseas to promote the products. It’s a makeup line, right? Maybe Milan, Italy?” Giada asked, all smiles. Alda smiled and then chuckled.

  “I could see Alda rubbing shoulders with models and the fashion gurus,” Donata said, joining the conversation.

  Then Dominick’s cell phone went off, he pulled it out to answer it and then stood up.

  “I need to take care of something. Royce, come with me, Brew, remain here with Giada for fifteen minutes longer and then bring her upstairs,” Dominick ordered.

  Alda swallowed hard as Dominick gave Giada a kiss and then told her to listen to Brew and come upstairs when he said to. Dominick held her chin and then stroked her jaw and kissed her softly, his expression firm. Giada nodded, and then the men disappeared.

  Brew’s expression never changed throughout the entire thing. He merely looked concerned and then took the orders from Dominick. Giada would have to leave them in fifteen minutes. Alda exhaled.

  “I hope everything is okay,” Alda said to Giada.

  “It’s not your concern. Enjoy the extra time with Giada before I bring her upstairs,” Brew said to her, his attitude completely different than just a few minutes ago. Giada gave Alda a smile.

  “So, can we do dinner Friday night or are you too crazy with things at work? I’d like for you to visit with Gisella and I at Club Empire,” Giada said to her.

  “I think Donata and Alessa were debating about going there too but for drinks. They’re both working late but wanted to meet up.”

  “Well, plan on meeting me there for dinner. Gisella needs a little help with something at the club. A promotional event,” Giada told her and winked.

  “Seriously?” Alda asked and then Brew reached for his phone, glanced at it and then looked at Giada.

  “It’s time to head up.”

  “Already? Can’t I stay a little longer?” she asked and Brew raised one of his eyebrows at her. She nodded then took Alda’s hands.

  “I’ll call you to confirm a time Friday night. Hope you can make it there.”

  “I will. Hope all is well.”

  “No worries, Alda,” Giada said and then said good-bye to Alessa and Donata.

  Alda watched them go and she felt the odd sensations fill her belly. She couldn’t imagine being involved with a made man, never mind multiple men like Giada was. To have to listen to their orders, and stop enjoying fun with close friends because a boyfriend had something going on and didn’t want her out of his sight. That thought gave her a surprisingly different reaction. She wondered what it would feel like to have a man or multiple men care for her so much they didn’t want her out of their sights. Would it be annoying, or would it be arousing? Could she stand to give up control and allow men to direct her every move? No freaking way. Then again, Giada wasn’t doing that. She gave Dominick, Giuseppe, and Andreas a run for their money and didn’t always comply with their rules, but it got her into trouble. They could have lost her, so maybe that was why when any of them gave an order or expected her to remain nearby she complied. After all, it was quite obvious that the men loved Giada and she loved them. Alda respected that and for some reason she felt envious.

  Then she thought about Brew and the others. When they were beckoned they had to leave immediately. It didn’t matter what was going on or whom they were with. A woman wouldn’t mean anything to them but instant pleasure, nothing more. She could get a man like that anywhere. She needed to ignore this attraction and just focus on what she needed and wanted. Obviously Logic was after a good time, and she fell for it. Brew had a reputation and wa
s probably the same. After a piece of ass. Train, well, he was huge, quiet and demanding. Royce was downright intimidating most of all. Who was she kidding? They were all intimidating. So why couldn’t she stop her body’s reaction to them every time they were around? It would be smarter to ignore then. Definitely.

  “One more round, Alda, then we’re hitting the dance floor,” Donata said to her and Alessa cheered and they clinked glasses. She smiled and cheered, too. She was young and single. What was better than that?

  Chapter 2

  Salento Sorenno gave Lou Carvetti the stare down. “You think this is going to work for much longer? It was supposed to be a very private clientele,” Salento stated.

  “Hey, who would have thought there would be such a demand for this drug? Most men are afraid of getting busted for using it on a woman to get her into bed,” Lou said to him.

  “This form is strong shit. It wipes out the memory and basically as long as the guy is careful the woman is none the wiser. What I don’t like is how many more calls of inquiry I’m getting. You know he’s in town. Got in last night.”

  Lou Carvetti widened his eyes. “He’s in New York? What the hell? Why? Doesn’t he trust us?” Carvetti asked.

  “Seems like maybe he doesn’t and wants to make sure no one is skimming off the top or taking samples,” Salento stated.

  “It’s all good. I don’t need drugs to get a woman into bed,” Lou Carvetti said, leaned back in the chair and licked his lower lip, staring at Salento.

  “No one said you did. I for one think it’s a fucking game. The boss may want to put a hold on any more distribution for a little spell of time.”

  “What? Why the hell would he want to do that?” Carvetti asked.

  “Pump up the price. Supply and demand, or weed out anyone who may be trying to push a similar product.”

  “Smart. So I gather you want me and the guys to keep an ear out for similar product just in case?”

  “Yes. Anything pops up, eliminate it quickly. Understood?”

  “Yes. Got it,” Lou Carvetti said and hoped no one was stupid enough to mess with them. If they chose to try and pry their way into their boss’s, Titanium, as he liked to be called, business, then they were as good as dead. Carvetti and his men would be the ones to eliminate them.

  * * * *

  “This is not going to go over well at all, Lisa. It’s trash. What have Benny and you been up to for the last several weeks?” Alda Ruffinno asked her co-worker. Alda was looking at design labels for the new line of cosmetic products coming out in a couple of months for MAX, a company that now had over fifty different products, from makeup and perfumes to designer bags. Alda held the position of assistant sales, creative marketing and design manager. Really a job for more than one person but the company was small and her bosses were cheap.

  “Oh no, are you serious? What’s wrong with it? I mean, I know the printing is slightly off and all but it adds a sort of hip aspect to the design,” Lisa countered and Alda knew it was because Lisa worked on this with Benny for several weeks, and the two of them were an item.

  “Hip? Seriously? That’s not what came to mind when I looked at it and you know as well as I do that Haley is going to hate it, never mind Maxwell, he’ll cringe.”

  “What should we do then? I’m all out of ideas. Everything we’ve presented to them has been turned down.”

  “No, Lisa, not completely turned down. Haley and Maxwell liked this aspect and they liked the colors. That was the hardest part, going through the color palette and coming up with one area to focus on. Might I suggest you straighten out the wording, add more color alternating light purple and violet with a hint of bluish purple. Make that flower stand out bold as well as the brand name MAX,” she said.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Lisa stated and Alda bent over to show her on paper and to compare the designs. She brought up color palettes and then started to rearrange the designs right there on the computer.

  “See how this stands out more? Each petal is bold, fresh, real, just like the makeup behind the label. That’s what Maxwell and Haley are looking for.”

  “Now this is a pleasurable sight indeed.”

  They heard the voice and Alda looked over her shoulder to see Maxwell standing there smirking with his hands on his hips, but it was the other man next to him that caught Alda’s eye. Apparently Lisa’s, too, as she quickly introduced herself.

  Alda, on the other hand, glanced back at the screen. A few more tweaks and changes. She pressed a couple of buttons and dragged along the mouse then saved the design.

  “Alda, I would like you to meet Antonio Sparks.” When Max said the man’s name Alda gasped and then turned to look at him.

  Antonio Sparks was a very wealthy businessman, among other things. He was also involved with international sales. Maxwell and Haley were trying to get their products noticed overseas. Antonio was a gambling sort of man. One that bought out companies or helped build them up, taking more than fifty percent of the profit. She wondered what Maxwell and Haley were doing discussing business with him. Hopefully not selling off the company. Here we go again.

  She stepped away from the computer but then Antonio and Maxwell came closer. She reached out her hand and locked gazes with the very handsome older man. His hair was jet black with a dusting of light gray along the sides. It gave him character and made him look distinguished. Their hands touched and she felt an attraction to him. He must have as well as he squinted and then gazed over her body. She was dressed for the evening out with friends. All she had to do was remove the slim fitting sweater that covered her low dip in front of her black dress, and she was ready for the visit to Club Empire and dinner with Giada and Gisella. Antonio stared at her and held her hand a bit too longer than necessary. As she pulled back she noticed the tattoo on his hand, but couldn’t tell what it was from just a glimpse. He dressed designer, and looked to have a nice set of muscles under the suit he wore. She turned away and slid her hand along her waist.

  “Nice to meet you, sir,” she said and then Maxwell slammed his hand down on the table.

  “This is it! This. Is. It,” he exclaimed and then looked at her and smiled.

  “You did this, right? You came up with this idea? I heard you as we came in. My God, Alda, you are amazing and I love it. Haley will love it, too. Let me call her down here.”

  Maxwell was so excited and when Alda looked at Lisa, Lisa lipped the words thank you. Alda nodded.

  Maxwell looked at Antonio, who was staring into Alda’s eyes.

  “What do you think, Antonio? Brilliant? Eye catching? Unique? What?” he asked but Antonio stared at her.

  “All of the above and then some,” he said, never taking his eyes off of her and totally flirting.

  Maxwell chuckled.

  “Indeed, Alda is an exceptional woman, and she will be joining us for dinner and dancing at Club Empire tonight to celebrate the label being finalized and of course discussing the opportunities overseas,” Maxwell told Antonio as Haley entered the office.

  “What’s going on, Maxwell?” Haley asked, looking and sounding annoyed.

  Alda was trying to process Maxwell’s words and something about attending dinner tonight and business overseas.

  “Look,” he said and pointed to the screen.

  The older woman with her gray blonde hair had an aura of arrogance and snobbiness about her. Alda got along with her okay but the woman definitely was at the top of the bitch-o-meter. She eyed Alda over, winked up at Antonio and then approached the computer.

  She was silent a moment and Lisa’s face went white and she gulped. Alda remained somewhat relaxed. If Haley didn’t like this design then Alda was at a loss.

  “Ohhh. This is perfect,” Haley whispered and tilted her head and then looked at Alda. “You are so talented, Alda. I swear, is there anything you can’t do?” she asked, but her tone seemed jealous. Alda didn’t know what was up with that.

  She glanced at Maxwell and Antonio. “She loo
ks very capable. Are you head of designs here at MAX?” Antonio asked.

  “Not head of designs but assistant manager of sales and creative marketing. Indeed, she is very capable of all the roles she plays with this company, and Alda created this besides a wonderful game plan on advertising for the release of my new cosmetics line, just like her unique sales strategies for the other products. She completely understood my desires,” Maxwell said, not even hearing or seeing what was going on here. Not Antonio’s blatant flirtatious comments or Haley’s jealous attitude. Sometimes Alda wondered why she even worked here. She wished there were other opportunities but there weren’t right now. She would love getting involved with creative designs for major products and even helping with advertising commercials, print ads, etc. She was very creative indeed.

  “Things may work out, Haley. I’m in,” Antonio said to Haley but his eyes roamed over Alda’s body.

  Then Haley completely confused her as Haley looked at Antonio and nodded. Haley gave Alda’s arm a squeeze. It was crazy.

  “Exceptional work, Alda. We leave at six for Club Empire. Why don’t you plan on coming along in the limo with the three of us? We can discuss some plans Maxwell and I have been discussing with Antonio. I’ll have Bernice change the reservations for four instead of three of us. See you in the lobby within the hour,” Haley said and then took Antonio’s arm and led him out of the office as she carried on about Club Empire.

  Maxwell grabbed Alda’s hand.

  “I’m so impressed and Haley is, too, that’s for sure. She will expect you to cooperate tonight. Antonio Sparks is a very wealthy and powerful man. He can help to advance your career, as well. However, after seeing what you came up with for my cosmetics line, I’m going to fight that man tooth and nail,” Maxwell said and winked before he headed out of the office.


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