Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Read online

Page 4

  Alda was a little confused. What did he mean by Antonio advancing her career, and about Maxwell fighting him tooth and nail for her?

  “Oh God, that man is super sexy hot. He was totally checking you out, Alda,” Lisa said to her.

  Alda licked her lower lip, her eyes still squinting in confusion about what exactly just took place here. “Are you okay?” Lisa asked her.

  “Uhm, I don’t know. What did you get out of their remarks?” she asked Lisa then saved the design on the computer under its own file and then forwarded it to Lisa’s e-mail.

  Lisa looked toward the empty doorway, and then looked to be sure no one was there. She turned around to face Alda.

  “Well, for one, Antonio Sparks is totally interested in you. Two, Maxwell loved your design and so did Haley, which is a miracle in itself, and three, something was definitely exchanged between Haley and Antonio and it seemed over you. The man gave a nod, she complied and now you’re going to dinner at that new club,” Lisa said.

  Alda felt uneasy. She didn’t like conflicts, or problems. She liked things to run smoothly and when faced with a challenge she took a roundabout way to solve it unless push came to shove and then she attacked. The last year had been an emotional one with a few of her close friends getting involved in ménage relationships and facing dangers. She wasn’t like them. She couldn’t handle danger, confrontation, trouble in any form. She liked her simple life, her small apartment located in the same building as an elementary school, her circle of friends and the comfort being around them gave her as her only family, and this job.

  She’d worked here for over a year now, having moved from one company to another after they were bought out by larger companies. Her resume showed her professionalism and experience but despite the successes whenever she interviewed she had to explain about the companies being bought out, not failing. She wished one of the larger companies had held on to her and offered her something great. Instead she got exceptional severance packages which took off the stresses of finding work immediately. She could pick and choose. She chose MAX Industries because it was a new, up and coming company and product that needed branding, promotions and the products were great. She used a lot of them herself. There was potential for expansion and with owners like Haley and Maxwell there was no way either owner was going to let some larger company force them into selling to be bought out. No way, these two wanted fortune, fame and exposure.

  “It will be fine, Alda. You can handle this. You’ve worked here over a year and in that time have truly helped to push the products and get them into the public eye. You even got famous people to promote the products. You’ll be fine. Haley and Max adore you,” Lisa said and stood by her desk.

  “Adore me is taking it too far. They like what I have done for the company, but we all know the second any of us screws up, we’re outta here,” Alda said to her.

  “Yes, which reminds me that you saved our asses. Benny and mine. We owe you big time,” Lisa said then walked out of the office.

  Alda glanced at her watch. Forty minutes until she needed to be downstairs and then do dinner with the bosses and this Antonio guy. At Club Empire, no less. She needed to text Giada and let her know she couldn’t do dinner but hopefully drinks and why. She was supposed to meet Donata and Alessa at Club X around eight. She would tell them to meet her at Club Empire instead.

  She pulled out her cell phone and texted all of them. They responded quickly. She swallowed hard when she thought about this business dinner. The whole way this all went down made her nervous, suspicious, but she didn’t have much of a choice. She needed to go. Hopefully it all worked out accordingly.

  * * * *

  Antonio Sparks couldn’t take his eyes off of Alda Raffinno. She was stunning, sexy, classy, and her body absolute perfection. Those green eyes were dark, mesmerizing and drew him in as she spoke. She really knew her stuff, but he didn’t care. She was exactly what he had been searching for. He could hardly contain the excitement he felt. Years. It took years to finally find her, and he was shocked that it was in a business setting, and unprovoked, completely natural, like fate.

  He nodded as she explained her ideas about advertising overseas and about warehouse locations and things that were beyond her position here. Haley, who he’d known for many years, was using this woman. There was no doubt in Antonio’s mind. “Haley, I sure do hope that you’re paying Alda an obscene amount of money, because I can tell you right now, if she worked for me she would be a partner,” he said, and by the blush to Alda’s cheeks, he shocked her and maybe even won some points.

  “Funny you bring that up, Antonio, not that it’s any of your business, or that we would allow you to take her from us, but she is due for a very large bonus. Max and I were going to surprise her with it on Monday, but seeing you brought this up,” Haley said and looked at Max, who smiled wide and placed his hand over Alda’s hand and squeezed it. Antonio’s chest tightened and he clenched his teeth. No one should be touching her. She was going to be his. He found her. Holy shit, after all the others, he found her.

  “Alda, we have been so impressed with your professionalism, your work ethic and all you’ve done to bring MAX Industries to the public eye, and sales to an all-time high. Things are only going to get better, and Haley and I would like to offer you a new role, an increase in pay and a bonus for all you’ve accomplished.”

  “A new role, and bonus? So you’re not planning on selling the company?” she asked.

  “Selling the company? No way. We’ve worked so hard to establish this company,” Max said, looking shocked and then glanced at Antonio, who had a small grin. He could easily take this company from Haley and she knew it. Max was a dreamer, not a businessman.

  “Antonio is here to discuss our possible future deal with him and opening additional warehouses and offices overseas to the UK. An expansion of sorts. Which brings me back to you,” he said and winked. Antonio narrowed his eyes at Max. He hoped the man wasn’t some sort of competition. She was gorgeous and when they arrived at this Club Empire, a very upscale venue, he noticed the men immediately looking at her and a few others in particular knew her and greeted them. Including Collin Fiorre, some sort of modern day organized crime boss. His sweet beauty seemed to have friends in low places, but so did he.

  “Seeing the stunned expression on your face, I take it you haven’t looked at your direct deposit amount that went out today. You’ll see an additional twenty thousand dollar bonus, as well as a new salary of three hundred thousand,” Max said and smiled. Antonio watched her expression and then the hand cover her mouth, her eyes widen and tears fill her eyes. Max released her hand and smiled wide.

  “I told you she would be shocked, Haley. Alda, it’s been long coming, and well deserved. Let’s make a toast,” he said. She uncovered her mouth and then shook her head.

  “I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe this. I was so worried that tonight would be about losing my job and a takeover. My God, I’m shaking,” she said and lifted her hand and it was quite obvious she was shaking. Antonio reached out and took her hand. She looked at him, surprised.

  “It’s going to be a pleasure working with you, Alda. Your honesty, straightforwardness and all around beauty will be a pleasure, I’m certain,” he said and then placed her hand on his thigh and then waved with his hand for the waiter to bring over the champagne. He popped the cork and they all laughed and cheered as the waiter poured the glasses. He released her hand and then lifted the glass. Max made the toast.

  “To MAX Industries and all that is yet to come,” Max said and they clinked their glasses together and took sips of champagne. Antonio slid his arm over the back of her chair and looked at Haley and winked.

  Haley squinted but smiled softly. She knew what was coming. MAX Industries was more than just a company selling perfumes, makeup, and accessories, it was their little front for so much more. Haley would be getting one of his own special thank you’s later this evening in bed.

  * *
* *

  “Who’s the big shot dick with the designer suit?” Logic asked Lenox, one of Collin and Fedarro’s security guys.

  “Businesspeople Alda works with. I think the woman and the big guy are her bosses, and the other one I don’t know. They’re celebrating though, as you just saw. Alda looks emotional,” Lenox said and took a sip from his drink.

  “She was supposed to meet Gisella and Giada here for dinner then had to change plans. I wonder if she’ll stay with those people all night instead,” Logic asked and watched them.

  Lenox gave his arm a nudge.

  “Alda is gorgeous,” Lenox said to him and Logic looked at him and mumbled.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t think she’s hot,” Lenox asked him.

  “If who is hot?” Ziek asked, joining them. Lenox looked at him and Logic exhaled. He couldn’t believe how jealous he felt watching Alda talking with the other man and the guy’s arm was around her chair and he kept whispering to her. She was smiling and they were all drinking champagne. He should realize she wasn’t right for him and the guys. She could be traveling overseas if her conversation with Giada was correct that Brew informed him about. Plus she wanted to maybe start her own business. She was the commitment kind of woman. They didn’t do commitments. Couldn’t do them. Brew said she had an odd reaction when Dominick ordered the other guys to leave the bar and follow him. Then gave Giada orders and a time limit of fifteen minutes. Brew said Alda looked shocked. She definitely wouldn’t be able to handle being involved with enforcers.

  “We’re talking about Alda. She looks incredible as usual. When she walked in wearing that navy blue dress and her breasts pouring from the top, they’re so fucking big, never mind her ass,” Lenox said.

  “Oh yeah, who didn’t see it? The woman turns heads,” Ziek said.

  “Hey.” Logic raised his voice and narrowed his eyes at them. Both men didn’t even flinch. Ziek smirked.

  “Told you,” Lenox said.

  “Damn. You make a move yet, Logic?” Ziek asked.

  “No! What the fuck, man?” he asked and scrunched his face up then took a slug of beer.

  “Why the hell not? She’s fire,” Lenox asked.

  “You two know why the fuck not,” Logic said to them.

  “Not really. She’s super hot and sexy. Any man would love to tap that. I don’t get you,” Ziek said to him.

  “Sure you don’t. It’s the same reason why you two, Cobra and Roman haven’t moved in on Alessa,” Logic said to them and saw them both scrunch their eyes as if pissed and then exhale. They took drinks from their beer bottles.

  “There ya go. Enforcers don’t fucking date,” Logic added.

  The sound of laughter drew their attention to the left and there was Alessa surrounded by four men who worked for Tudoro Garlitto.

  “Fucking dicks. They were hitting on her last week, too,” Lenox said to them.

  “Why don’t you go over there and take her away from them,” Logic teased.

  “Same fucking reason you won’t go over to that table, throw Alda over your shoulder and take her out of here and to your place,” Ziek said and they all mumbled.

  This was definitely a sucky situation for all of them. Logic wondered if there was some way it could work out, or maybe if he could just get a little taste of Alda, he might be able to get her out of his head? Maybe?

  * * * *

  Alda was ecstatic, and once Antonio, Haley and Max left the club she was able to join her friends. Or so she thought. As she made her way across the dance floor and toward the bar where Donata, Gisella, and the men were, she spotted Alessa talking to two guys who worked for Tudoro Garlitto, Micky and Spence as well as her cousins C.J. and Randy. Right beside them were Brendan and Fogerty and she immediately caught their attention. She couldn’t not go over as Alessa gave her a wave and widened her eyes in one of those “help me” expressions she gave when she didn’t want to be rude but really wasn’t interested in the men hitting on her. Thank goodness, because her cousins would be in a heap of trouble. Lenox and Ziek were in a dead stare at Alessa right now and only a few feet away at the bar closest to where they stood.

  “Damn, woman, you get sexier each time I see you,” Fogerty said to her but she bypassed him and went to C.J., who gave Fogerty a dirty look then pulled her into his arms. He kissed her cheek and then let her go to Randy next. Her cousins looked good, but she didn’t like them hanging with these men.

  The arm wrapped around her waist quickly and Fogerty kissed her shoulder and whispered into her ear. She could smell the alcohol on his breath.

  “You just made my night a hell of a lot better. Dance with me, baby,” he said to her.

  She pushed down on his hands. “I don’t think so, Fogerty,” she said and stepped away from him only for Brendan to take her hand and pull her into an embrace.

  “How are you, Alda?” he asked, and held her against him a few seconds too long. He stared down into her eyes and licked his lower lip. He had hit on her several times before and she blew him off. He was a player, and a drug dealer. Her cousins shouldn’t be hanging out with these men. She hoped they weren’t working with him and for Mickey and Spence.

  She pushed away from him and gave a medium smile. “Good. What’s going on with you guys? What are you doing here?” she asked, stepping back in an attempt to put distance between her and them. Why men thought they could touch any woman they wanted and act possessive, she didn’t understand. It annoyed her, except when she liked the guy, of course. Instantly, Train, Royce, Brew and Logic popped into her head. Caught off guard at her thought process, she felt the hand take her hand and it was Mickey. He stared down at her.

  “No kiss hello for me?” he asked.

  “Seriously? I just saw you the other night,” she said and sort of rolled her eyes at him, looking away, turning, but his hold tightened and he pulled her closer and off balance. She placed her palm against his chest so she wouldn’t fall.

  “I look forward to your kisses,” he said.

  “Cool it, Mickey,” her cousin C.J. chimed in, finally, and Mickey gave her cousins a dirty look as if reminding them of who was more powerful. Maybe in the Garlitto family, but her cousins weren’t connected at all. They had no power, which made her wonder why she kept seeing them with these two men and Brendan and Fogerty. She didn’t like them.

  “We’re discussing some business things, Alda, so maybe you should be a bit more polite for your cousins’ sakes,” Fogerty threatened in a tone that made her gut clench. What possible business would you and my cousins have with these men? She wanted to ask, but kept her mouth shut. C.J. and Randy were older than her, men, and they chose this path of life, not her.

  She gave him a dirty look.

  “In that case, Alessa, want to go talk with Giada and Gisella?” she asked.

  Spence pulled Alessa close.

  “We were making some progress, Alda. Stay here, too,” Mickey said to Alda. She looked at Alessa, who definitely looked a bit timid. Not that Alda wasn’t. The men were connected to the Garlitto family. She needed to keep things calm. One look behind Alessa and the group and toward the bar and Alda saw Lenox and Ziek staring toward them. That had potential for trouble.

  “We have to go. We were supposed to hang with the girls earlier but I had a business dinner,” she said to them and took Alessa’s hand. “Come on so we can catch up with the girls.”

  As she started to walk away with Alessa she felt the arm go around her waist and haul her back. C.J. stepped forward. “Fogerty, let her go,” he said and Fogerty whispered into her ear.

  “Playing hard to get now. I’ve seen you on the dance floor, baby. I heard you don’t date. Maybe you just like to fuck. We’d be good together,” he said and she pulled from his arms, he laughed and kept a hold on her and she slapped his face. He went to grab her and a hand grabbed his arms and abruptly turned him around. The dark, intense expression on Royce Brooks’s face shocked her, but it was how quickly he struck Fogerty, and knocked F
ogerty on his ass that made her jaw drop and her heart race. C.J. grabbed Alda and then Train grabbed C.J., telling him to get off of her.

  She placed her palm against Train’s chest and pressed close to him as C.J. still held her arm lightly but took a semi-retreating step back.

  “No, Train, this is my cousin,” she said to him and Train’s dark eyes widened and then he glared at C.J.

  “You’re her cousin and you let this dick fucking touch her?” he reprimanded.

  Royce went to grab C.J. and she put herself between Royce and C.J.

  “No, Royce, it’s okay. He’s my cousin,” she said to him, felt his hard muscles beneath her hand as she pressed her palm against his chest and her palm ached. She pulled back and hissed then held it to her chest.

  “What’s going on?” Logic, Brew, Lenox and Ziek joined them.

  “It’s over. Let’s move now. You assholes leave these two ladies alone,” Royce ordered and Fogerty gave him a dirty look then smirked as he looked at Alda.

  “Didn’t know she was your bitch, Royce. Now we do,” he said and then turned away and walked to the bar with Mickey, Spence and Brendan.

  The expression on Royce’s face made her shake. Tears filled her eyes and her gut clenched as if the glimpse into Royce’s temper and abilities shocked her speechless. The man was capable, quick, resourceful like some soldier. He stepped into action to help her and embarrassment struck and concern of what he may think. Especially as Fogerty called her Royce’s bitch.

  Royce rubbed her arm and she jerked, pulling back only for him to slide his other arm to her hip and squeeze, keeping her in place. Those dark brown eyes, gruff along his chin and cheeks, the vein pulsating by his temple and the feel of his extra large, hard hand on her body, added to his ominous persona.


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