In the Darkest Hour Read online

Page 6

  She calmed her breathing, then pulled back and looked at them. They were right there, close to her, all placing a hand on her. “You’re even hotter fired up, Doc. I think we may just have to piss you off more often,” Czeck said to her, and she chuckled. So did they, but her cheeks warmed and now the reality of what just happened was sinking in. She pulled back, covered her face with her hands, and they all said “No” at the same time.

  Magnar pulled her into his arms and hugged her. She tried pulling away. “Don’t run. Don’t freak out,” he said to her.

  She exhaled. “Let me go, Magnar.”

  He slowly released her, and he didn’t look happy.

  She ran her fingers along her lips and could feel how swollen they were, and she recalled how wild their kisses were and the fact that she let four men she hardly knew kiss her like that. She fixed her top, took a few steady breaths, and then stepped back, leaning against the railing and looking at them. “Okay, so we’re going to forget that happened.”

  “No, we aren’t,” Gordo said to her.

  She squinted at him with a firm expression. “We are going to forget that happened for now, and slow things down.”

  Czeck stepped closer and tugged on the hem of her blouse. “Fuck slow.”

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I think we should head back to the party and mingle.”

  Czeck pulled her closer, then slid his palm up under her hair and head. “And I think I’ve had enough of other men hitting on you, flirting with you when we’re trying to get to know you better. Stay, and talk to us,” he said to her, then softly pressed his lips to hers.

  She felt him slide his palm along her ass and squeeze as he pulled her snugger against him. She liked the way it felt. Liked the way his thick, hard muscles wedged up against her breasts. When he released her lips, he stared at her with his deep blue eyes. His hair was dirty blonde, crew cut, and he was a bit slimmer than Asher, Magnar, and Gordo. He winked at her and she nodded.

  “Great. Let’s grab some chairs,” Gordo said and looked around them.

  “Let’s go back towards the party. We can get some seats together out there and talk.”

  “You’re trying to run again?” Asher asked her.

  “No, just being smart and putting on the breaks before I do something stupid.” She started to walk.

  Asher took her hand and stopped her. “Something stupid like what?”

  She wouldn’t say what was on her mind. This was insane that this was actually happening to her. What was it about these four soldiers, men, that made her interested, aroused, attracted to them? She’d been around hundreds, if not thousands, of soldiers in her career and none of them made her react like this. In fact, even the few she’d slept with hadn’t made her feel as much. Not even Jimmy, the highest ranking official she had ever hung out with made her feel this much.

  “Let’s just go okay,” she said, and they followed, walking beside her, and even that stimulated her senses and made her feel the attraction grow.

  Gordo listened to Alaska’s laugh and he couldn’t help but smile. She lit up a room that was for sure, and right now their fifteen minutes of alone time was interrupted by more people. The reprieve from stealing a few caresses and flirting with her in private conversation was probably a good thing. Although his body didn’t think so. In his mind, he fast forwarded to her coming back to their house and exploring these feelings. Maybe undressing the sweet, sexy doctor and finding out exactly what she looked like naked and what turned her on and made her beg for cock. He couldn’t help himself. He tried clearing his head. Blaming time, recouping, and the past year in a half of no sex as the reasoning behind this need to fuck and claim her. The truth was, it was beyond that. He was instantly jealous of other men flirting with her, trying to steal her attention, her eyes, too. He liked when those gorgeous baby blues were secured to his eyes and focused on him. Hell, he even enjoyed watching her focus on his team members.

  Gordo was thinking crazy thoughts. It was like he finally understood why so many of their friends wound up here in Warriorville, and even in relationships with one woman to share. Like what the fuck was up with that? He thought the idea insane, and he figured sharing a woman would cause a wedge between him and his brothers in arms. Now as they all shared this deep attraction to Alaska, did he finally get what all the hype was about. She got through to all of them. She fired Asher up, and that conversation they walked in on where she informed Asher that she understood his fears and his pain and that she as a surgeon had to do amputations, had really hit home. So was the fact that she was a trauma doctor and medic in Baghdad. Alaska got it. She knew what they went through, and they respected her, and somehow the realization made them all want her more.

  The desire was through the roof and all they did was kiss her. Well he copped a feel, and Jesus, the woman was built. She was nothing like he’d ever thought he would be able to get as his woman. Not that she would be. Maybe this was just lust and they were all a bunch of horny soldiers out to get laid and feel like men instead of vulnerable and weak. He didn’t know, he was driving by the seat of his pants and so were the others. Even now, watching her talk to some other guy, his focus went to the way Magnar rubbed her thigh as she talked. How that guy glanced down and then realized she may be taken, and now he was excusing himself from the conversation. Alaska gave Magnar a sideways expression. What was up with all of them? His commander was badass and then some. He never showed weakness, and he surely never showed a public display of possession like he was doing with Alaska. As a matter of fact, they all were, and a few glances around them, and he could see some smiles from Faith and Leeann, and some jealousy from other men who had flirted with her before they’d stepped in a made a move.

  “Really?” she asked Magnar, and tried to push his hand off her thigh, but the commander wasn’t having that.

  He leaned closer. “You think we aren’t serious about this? I want to kiss you. I want to bring you back to the house and skip all the talking, all the bullshit, and explore this sexy body and let you explore ours.”

  She leaned closer. “And you think I’m easy? You think you’re the first team of soldiers to come sniffing around and try to seduce me into bed?”

  “You know that isn’t what’s going on here, Alaska,” he replied.

  Gordo listened and so did the others.

  “How do I know that? Have you thought this through, Magnar? The whole idea of a ménage, or sharing one woman with your team, or is it just the idea of having sex, and doing it together that makes it interesting and different? Safe? Then what? What happens to me, to whatever woman the four of you decide to share? I don’t think you’ve even discussed this, and I know I’ve never once considered it.”

  “But you are now? You’re feeling the connection we all share with you and you feel it for us, too,” Czeck added now.

  She looked away and exhaled. “I just think you need to consider the consequences. There are a lot of emotions going on in such a relationship. In all of your individual lives you’re experiencing emotions and battles right now, and this could make things more confusing.”

  “You’re making excuses. We’re ready to take the risk,” Gordo said to her.

  “At who’s expense? At mine?” she asked and pointed to her chest.

  Magnar squeezed her hand and she looked at him. “Of course not. Obviously, there’s risk, but there is in any relationship.”

  “I’m sorry, but I think we need to put on the brakes, and you four need to talk things through,” she said to them.

  “We know what we want. We’ve seen these relationships emerge around us,” Magnar said to her.

  “I only just arrive in Warriorville a few weeks ago. I’m not even moved into my house yet. I’ve got boxes everywhere. I’m beginning a new career, a different avenue than I’m used to.”

  “And you can continue to do all of that. We want to spend more time with you and see where this goes,” Czeck said.

s it’s that you want to play the field a little?” Gordo couldn’t help but ask.

  “Really, Gordo?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “You can’t exactly walk into a room, or let’s say to a BBQ and not grab every single fucking guy’s attention. So yeah, maybe you want to play the field.”

  “Maybe you think with men like us and our emotional journeys would be settling instead of getting better men,” Asher said to her.

  “Oh God, you see, if you think that, then it proves you don’t know me. I’m not shallow.”

  “Then spend time with us,” Czeck said to her, and he was looking pretty fierce right now with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  She looked at each of them. “I have to unpack boxes and get organized at my house tomorrow, but maybe Sunday we can do something.”

  “Want some help unpacking?” Magnar asked as he ran his palm along her thigh and her knee.

  “Way too intimate of a first date, letting you into my personal life and seeing my mementoes and things. Not a good idea,” she said to him.

  “I think it would be a great first date. Getting to see what kind of music you like, the way you decorate your home,” Magnar said to her and winked.

  “Then you’ll have an advantage over me, and I won’t know anything about you guys,” she replied.

  “You can come on over to our place Sunday and explore our place, and each of our bedrooms,” Czeck said.

  She blushed and chuckled. “Cute, Czeck.”

  He winked at her and she shook her head.

  “Come on and say yes. Give us your address, and tell us a time to show up, then put us to work,” Gordo added.

  She looked at them. “You seriously want to spend your Saturday helping me move into my house and unpack boxes?”

  “We want to spend time with you,” Magnar said.

  “Okay. I’ll text you a time and my address, but you better promise to help and not just fool around,” She said to them.

  Gordo couldn’t help but smile. The woman didn’t stand a chance.

  Chapter 4

  “Dr. Rogers, I appreciate everything you have told me and it’s understandable that the medication dosage was experimental. The bottom line is that Kennedy Jaslow is doing much better now,” Dr. Fortright said to Guy Rogers.

  Fortright was an egotistical asshole who only cared about driving his Porsche and picking up young hot women to screw. He was older and getting women didn’t come easy for him. Guy had his own angle, and he was more popular amongst the women in the clinic and outside of it because of his abilities. A woman talking up the size of his cock went a long way. So did the drugs he took to ensure he remained big.

  “Yes, Kennedy is doing much better. You know how hard it is working with this type of clientele. To be honest, the therapists and counselors need to do their part helping these soldiers and civilians to get over their fears and their discomfort with vulnerability. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had similar incidents in the office while I’m alone with the clients. I handle it though.”

  “That is concerning. We were quite lucky to have that Dr. James on scene coming in to meet O’Rourke. She came highly recommended.”

  “By O’Rourke? Of course, I think they had an intimate relationship at one time,” Guy said.

  Fortright gave him a firm expression. “That was rumor and not true at all. O’Rourke probably wished he could have a relationship with her. She is quite stunning and capable as well. Most importantly though, she has a way of getting through to the clients, so I am certain she will be an asset here.”

  “Why is she only working two days a week here then?” he asked. His curiosity over Alaska James was getting the better of him. Plus, the way men reacted to her, wanting to snag that piece of ass, gave him incentive to nail her first.

  “She’s working for friends of an old colleague at Warrior’s Way. She makes sure that the soldiers are on schedule with their medical improvements, counseling, and additional programs. Definitely many steps down from her previous position as a trauma doctor in the field,” Fortright told him.

  Now Guy understood her kindness towards those amputees. Now those were soldiers that he could easily fuck around with. He had his ones to weaken and destroy. He hated fucking soldiers with a passion. They thought who the fuck they were just because they fought in wars, killed people, and were living in shit desert areas during the war. Women loved that macho shit, but Guy was better in bed. He thought about Amanda and glanced at his watch. She was due in for a session in thirty minutes.

  “Well, I’m glad this all worked out,” Fortright said, and they shook hands before ending the meeting.

  As soon as he was done, he walked down the hall toward his office. Guy knew that he needed to be a bit more careful. He got so little complacent and was too much into a routine lately. Other people minded their own business, saw their own clients, and did their own jobs. Miss Hot Stuff came in at the wrong time and talked Randy down. Guy pushed up his eyeglasses and felt his blood pressure boiling. He had Randy where he wanted him. Weak, reliant on Guy and their sessions, just as he had most of his other clients, both military and civilian. In fact, he was planning on upping the dosage on Amanda today just a little bit so she was even more controllable, and he could prolong their session. He got into his office, closed the door and prepared the water bottle and then the syringe. He sat down. He had fifteen more minutes as he opened the desk drawer and pulled out the file. He had been up all night trying to get what he could on her. He glanced at his favorite picture. Alaska James in a designer gown at a military ball a month ago. She hid her big tits well, but not in this number. No, she looked like a feast, and reading up on her capabilities and training he knew she would be hard to catch. He would love to tie her down and have his wicked way with her, or perhaps sedate her so much she was pliant in his arms and begging for his cock. The soldiers, even the bigshot Special Forces guys and Green Berets would be envious. God damn she was hot.

  He stared at her picture, at her bold blue eyes, that sweet, sexy smile and blonde hair, and his dick got harder and harder. A woman like that wouldn’t give him a second glance, but with a little bit of drugs in her and a firm hand, he’d have her begging for it, and bowing down before him. He chuckled aloud and traced her breasts with his finger. “A new project to work on, and now I’m all aroused and you aren’t here,” he said aloud, and then came the knock on his door. He knew it was Amanda and he smiled as he placed the file away, hid the syringe, and placed the other bottle of water next to his.

  He got up and opened the door. “Amanda, how are you, sweetie?” he asked her, and she gulped as she held her purse against her chest and gave a soft smile.

  “Tired, yet a little on edge. I can’t seem to stop the shaking sensation I have between our sessions,” she said to him as he ushered her inside and placed the “Do not disturb” sign onto the door, then closed it and locked it.

  “Something else we need to work on, perhaps? I do enjoy our sessions and it seems like you’re building up your confidence a bit. Water?” he asked and handed her the bottle. She took it immediately, unknowing to the training he’d already instilled. She didn’t even pick up on the routine, and her mind didn’t questioning anything he said. He had things down pat. He felt his cock thicken. The sight of her in the nice conservative dress wasn’t what made him aroused. It was the images of Alaska, and the fact that Amanda hid her assets well out of fear of aggressive men after being abused and assaulted by a soldier. He was her knight in shining armor. Her therapy and creator for her new life and the new woman she was becoming because of him. He watched her down half the bottle.


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