In the Darkest Hour Read online

Page 7

  “Let’s get comfortable. So how was your week?” he asked, and took a seat beside her on the couch.

  She blinked her eyes, squinted, and then leaned back. She looked at her arms, her hands, and then shook her head. “The shakes are less. They’re almost gone.”

  He smiled and patted her knee. “I guess you know that you’re safe here with me, don’t you, Amanda?” he asked, but he knew the real reason behind the shakes was her body’s addiction to the drugs. She drank down the rest of the water and he smiled as she closed her eyes and then leaned into him. “It is you, Dr. Rogers. You heal me,” she said and he caressed her hair, and then smiled down at her as she began to crawl up onto his lap.

  “Amanda, I’m not just your therapist, I’m your friend. Remember that. Anything you need, any fears you have, you can trust me to keep you safe and come to protect you. All you need to do is just call me.”

  She moved her hand to her head, and he knew the drugs were kicking in. He was trying to wait. To hold off on stripping her ass naked and pretending she was Alaska James. His breathing grew more rapid and she held her head and teetered in his arms as he began to unbutton her blouse. “Shall we get started?” he asked and lowered her down to the couch and began to undress her. He pulled off her heels and she raised her arms above her head as he stripped her of her panties. He stared at her nakedness, then got up and grabbed the syringe. He needed her quiet and pliable in his arms. He spread her toes and injected the needle, leaving no mark, no evidence of his work. He was a master, a pro, and he was way more powerful than some military soldier. He was the man in charge. He reached for his zipper and got undressed, then grabbed the condom. “Your lessons begin now, Amanda. Arms up. Get into position.”

  “We’ll be done in no time. You don’t have a lot of stuff at all,” Gordo said as he carried another box into the bedroom.

  “I don’t need a lot,” she replied and looked him over. All four men looked incredible in just jeans and tight t-shirts, with their cowboy boots on. She wore a tank top and a pair of spandex capris with tennis sneakers. As she hung the last few dresses in the closet, she heard Czeck Say something to Asher and Magnar. She turned to look.

  “I think I got the best box so far,” Gordo said and held up a pair of her red thong panties on his finger and a skimpy lace bra on his other finger.

  She climbed across the bed and snagged them from him. “Give me that box, thank you,” she said as the others chuckled, but Gordo slid his arm around her waist and hoisted her onto the bed on her back. He pressed between her legs as he stood at the edge of the bed and clasped her arms by her wrists above her head. She gasped and he looked sly and accomplished.

  “Those are some sexy panties and bras you have, Doc. Makes me wonder what you’re hiding underneath here,” he said and trailed his thumb along her waist to the elastic of her leggings.

  “Gordo,” She reprimanded, but holy shit was she aroused.

  “How about what she’s hiding underneath here,” Asher said and slid his palm up under her tank top and pushed it up.

  “Asher, guys, I thought we discussed this.”

  “We didn’t discuss this at all,” Magnar said as he joined them on the bed.

  “Let’s take a peek,” Czeck pushed as Asher lifted her top up. Magnar caressed her hair from her cheek and lowered his mouth closer to her lips while Gordo pushed down her pants as he kissed along her belly and wiggled the belly ring then nipped her hips bone. She giggled right before Magnar kissed her lips.

  It was absolutely crazy. The way they played her body like an instrument, working in sync with one another as they removed her bottoms and her panties and began to stroke her cunt. She moaned as Magnar released her lips. “Oh God, Gordo, Asher.” She said their names and now Gordo slid his palms from her wrists to down over her breast and to her hips.

  “Get this off of her. I want to see all of her. Now,” Czeck ordered.

  Magnar unclipped her bra, and as Gordo thrust fingers up into her cunt, Asher slid his palm along her thigh and lifted it as he suckled against her belly, and then right to her breasts as they were freed. She felt the orgasm hit her. It was instant, wild, and all because four men were staring at her body, touching her, working it. She rocked her hips.

  “So fucking beautiful. Look at her,” Czeck said.

  “God damn, Doc, you are a fucking super model and then some. Christ, my hand doesn’t even fit over your breast,” Asher said to her. But then Magnar licked her nipple and suckled it hard.

  “Oh God, this is crazy.”

  “But it feels great, doesn’t it? You like it? Want more of us?” Magnar asked as he stroked her hair from her forehead and stared into her eyes. She couldn’t even respond. “Say you want us. Want all of us?” he asked her just as Gordo switched from fingers to tongue and began to lick and feast on her cunt.

  “Yes. Holy shit yes!” she exclaimed.

  In a flash they were undressing, but Asher wasn’t. She held onto Gordo’s head as he feasted on her pussy and then began to lick up her body to her nipple and breast. He tugged and tugged, and she moaned and lifted her torso. She moaned and then reached out to Asher. “Asher?”

  He shook his head. Gordo lifted up and pulled off his shirt then his pants. The others were undressed, and she pulled Asher down over her and kissed him. She ran her hands up under his shirt and it seemed to give him the push and confidence he needed to continue. She never made love to a man who was missing any limbs before, but it didn’t matter to her. She felt such an attraction and a desire to be with all of them. He pulled off his shirt and then stumbled to get up. He stood up by the edge of the bed and she knelt there as he tried taking off his pants. While he fumbled with getting the jeans off his prosthetic, she cupped his balls and pushed down his boxers and immediately lowered to suck on his cock. She didn’t pay attention to his cursing or the fact that Czeck helped him get the jeans off, and now he turned and Asher sat down on the bed. She spread his thighs, touched the device, and focused on loving him, on pleasing him and showing Asher how special, how gorgeous he was and how attracted she was to him, prosthetic and all.

  He ran his fingers through her hair as she bobbed her head up and down. “Sweet Jesus, I don’t deserve you,” he said and his voice cracked.

  “Fuck that, bro, you deserve her. We all deserve an angel after the hell we survived,” Czeck said, and he moved in behind her and gripped her hips and pulled them back.

  “Fuck, look at her sexy, firm ass. God damn, Doc, I’m going to love fucking that ass.”

  She felt panicked. She never did that before either. Looks like there were going to be several firsts with these men. Czeck slid fingers up into her cunt from behind and then began to lick along her asshole. She pulled from Asher’s cock. “Czeck!” she exclaimed.

  “You look like a goddess,” Magnar said and he reached over and cupped her hair and neck then kissed her on the mouth. Asher and Gordo cupped her breasts and tugged on her nipples.

  “Ride Asher, baby, while I play with this sexy ass. You ever have a cock in your ass? Ever do more than one man at a time?” Czeck asked her as Magnar released her lips.

  “Don’t fucking ask her that. I don’t want to fucking know,” Gordo exclaimed.

  “No to all the above,” she said, panting for breath, but then she lifted up and held Asher’s cock and began to sink down onto him.

  “Alaska, condoms,” Magnar asked.

  “I have an IUD. Oh!” she cried out as Asher thrust upward.

  “Holy fuck. Oh shit, Alaska. Oh my God, baby.” He panted and began to counter her thrusts. Up and down, back and forth, she rode Asher, and he grunted and told her how fantastic it felt all the while Czeck slid a finger to her asshole, and the sensation burned but then sent her over the edge. She cried out an orgasm and Asher followed. She fell against his chest. Czeck pulled his fingers from her ass and then Asher hugged her to him. He kissed her forehead and her cheeks, and she lifted up and locked gazes with him. Asher’s blue eyes sp
arkled. She saw the happiness, the joy in them, and her own eyes teared up.

  “Hate to break up this trance, but my dick is so fucking hard from staring at our sexy woman’s body that I’m about to shoot my load,” Czeck said, and he wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up, making her squeal and making Asher grunt. Czeck placed her over the edge of the bed, spread her thighs, and slid his cock right into her pussy from behind. As he thrust and she moaned with every sensation, he restrained her. He pressed her arms above her head with one hand and gripped her hips, then massaged her ass and began to finger her asshole again.

  “Czeck!” she cried out.

  “This body, this pussy and ass is ours. All fucking ours, Alaska. I see any other men flirt with you or try to get a piece of this ass and they’re dead. Rules, God damn it. We are going to need rules,” he said as he thrust again and again into her pussy until she cried out another release and he followed.

  She had no idea what he was saying or talking about, but Czeck was all riled up, and before she could ask any questions, Gordo lifted her up into his arms and kissed her. When he placed her down onto the bed, he pressed between her thighs, caressed her cheeks with his hands and lifted up and lowed over her cunt. She felt the tip of his thick, hard cock at her entrance as he held her gaze. Gordo’s deep blue eyes looked so intense. “I feel like I won the fucking lotto. Like the dweeb who got the sexiest, hottest chic in town and she’s mine,” he said, and then he slid deeper, thrusting all the way into her as he kissed her. She lifted her arms up and hugged him to her as he rocked his hips and then suckled against her neck. She locked her legs around him and countered his thrusts.

  He lifted up. “Put your arms above your head,” he ordered, and she did it. She lay back and he slowed his thrusts and palmed his way from her mound, up her belly, to her breasts, and then to her neck. He held her collarbone and used his thumb to caress her neck in such a controlling, possessive manner that her pussy creamed. As he increased his thrusts, he watched her breasts. “Look at them. Fuck,” he said, and that was it.

  Gordo thrust and thrust, then came inside of her. He panted for breath and then took his time kissing her lips, her neck, and then down her body as he eased out of her. There stood Magnar. He was stroking his thick, hard cock just waiting for her to take action. She eased up and crawled to the edge of the bed and he held his cock to her lips. She didn’t move her hands. She remained on all fours and began to lick and tease him. He moved her hair from her face and gripped the lock.

  “You have got to be the sexiest, most beautiful women I have ever met, and now you’re ours,” he said to her, and she moaned against his cock. She sucked him up and down until he grunted and pulled out. “I’m not coming in that mouth the first time. No fucking way.” He slid his arm around her waist so fast and flipped her onto her back, then pulled her down to the edge of the bed. He pressed between her and aligned his cock with her pussy, and she immediately raised her arms above her head, widened her thighs, and offered herself up to him.

  “Holy mother fucker” Czeck chimed in as Magnar thrust right into her cunt. Asher lay on the side, and Gordo on the other side of her, and they joined in cupping her breasts, tweaking her nipples, and keeping her thighs wide as Magnar thrust and thrust into her pussy. She screamed out another release and shook as she came.

  “Mine. Mine!” Magnar exclaimed and he came inside of her.

  He eased out and Czeck was there with a wash cloth and a dry one to clean her up. She then rolled over and against Asher who held her against his chest as Gordo pressed up against her back.

  “I have to admit this is the best first date I’ve ever had,” Asher teased, and they chuckled as she slapped his belly.

  “Hey!” he exclaimed, grabbing her hand, and then he brought her fingers to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

  “Not exactly the way I thought it would go down. Now another weekend will pass where I’m not moved in,” she said to them.

  “We’ll still help you, but in between, you need to model some of these things,” Czeck said and held that pair of red thong lace panties in the air.

  “Put those away,” she said to them.

  “Is that a no?” Magnar asked as he ran his hand along her calf where he stood by the end of the bed.

  “Those are my special date panties.”

  “What?” Gordo and Czeck asked.

  She chuckled as she sat up, then leaned back on her elbows. “You would have gotten to maybe see them if you took me out to dinner and played your cards right,” she teased.

  Czeck grabbed her by her ankles and pulled her down to the edge of the bed. “I think we made out better like this.” He flipped her onto her belly and gave her ass a spank.


  “That’s for being a wise ass,” he said, and they laughed as she turned back over to her back and opened her arms to Czeck.

  “I was only teasing. I don’t date.”

  He lowered over her and cupped her breast as he gave her lips a kiss. When he released them, he held her gaze. “Why don’t you date?”

  “I hadn’t met any men recently I wanted to say yes to,” she admitted and reached up and caressed his jaw with her finger.

  “How about we take you out on a real date tomorrow?” Magnar asked.

  “Hmm,” she said as she massaged Czeck’s shoulders and back as he suckled against her neck.

  “I think maybe we should just stay in bed, test out this attraction and save that first date for another time,” she said and smiled.

  “Fuck yeah,” Czeck said, and he slid down her body, suckling her tit then along her belly and straight to her pussy. As soon as he knew she was wet, he eased up and slid his thick, hard cock right into her cunt. “Get ready, woman. You got four hungry soldiers to feed, and we have all weekend to work on testing this attraction,” he added, and that was it. Round two began.

  Chapter 5

  “So when were you going to tell me about the new relationship?” Michael asked Alaska a week into her relationship with Magnar and his team.

  She smiled and then nibbled her lower lip. She looked around them in the hallway and no one was in earshot. “Where did you hear about this?”

  “Seriously? You had men throwing themselves at you since you arrived weeks ago. Hearts are breaking all over town,” he said and smiled at her.

  “It’s very new, obviously, and I’m taking my time.”

  He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You got cold feet?” he asked.

  “Ahh, it’s more like I just moved out here with the intentions of relaxing, coming down off of the chaos of my previous position in the field. I’m working here a little and then at Warrior’s Way.”

  “Which is what you brought you and the four of them, I presume, together? Is it the ménage thing or the thought that you were going to have time to play the field?” he asked and winked.

  “Seriously, Michael? You’ve known me for a long time. I don’t even date.”

  “Oh I know. I believe I asked you to bed over some tequila,” he said.

  She laughed. “Been there, done that.”

  “Damn, but not when I asked. Well I guess it wasn’t in the cards for us. Listen, this is how these things happen. I think it’s smart that you want to take things slow. Those four soldiers are recently retired and not by choice, but by injury. Czeck and Asher weren’t making progress until you came along.”

  “No, you can’t say that. I’ve been around a few weeks.”

  “You’ve been around six weeks starting on Monday. Which by the way, Cassidy’s boss, Melana, requested your input in a few cases they have with some soldiers and their treatment. They are living near Warrior’s Way and need to be checked up on to ensure they are taking advantage of the resources available to them. Do you think you can swing by Monday afternoon?”


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