In the Darkest Hour Read online

Page 8

  “Sure. I can go talk to her now. I thought I saw Simon heading that way and he was looking for me.”

  “Watch out, he may not of heard that you’re taken.”

  “Very funny, and who said I was taken?” she asked as he walked away. She felt a little guilty responding like that, but then he called after her.

  “With those four killer soldiers no one will dare try and mess with you,” he said loudly.

  As she chuckled, she turned and saw that woman coming out of Dr. Roger’s office, and he was in a dead stare at Alaska. Alaska, however, noticed that the woman held her belly and looked around the place as if she were scared. The woman passed by and headed out the doors and Dr. Rogers squinted at Alaska.

  “How are you, Dr. James?” he asked, and she didn’t want to be rude and walk by just giving a nod, so she walked closer. He looked at her and then nibbled his lower lip as if he were biting it and staring at her body. It gave her the creeps.

  “I’m well, and you?” he asked.

  “Very well, and you?” she asked.

  “Wonderful. I just had a great session with my client. She’s making progress, and last week I met with Dr. Fortright. We discussed that situation with Randy and his medication. We determined that the type and dosage needed to be changed after he had that adverse side effect.”

  “Wonderful. That’s great to hear that it was caused by the medication and nothing else,” she replied.

  “I have been in this field for many years and treat a lot of soldiers who suffer as Randy does. Believe me, that type and dosage usually does the trick so they can function.”

  He had an attitude and arrogance about him big time. He stepped closer and reached out and caressed her arm, then held it. She was about to pull away, but then he whispered, “We should get together and talk, pick one another’s brains. I understand that you have a lot of experiences working with soldiers injured and in their medical conditions. Perhaps there’s a way we can put our experiences together and come up with a more aggressive therapy to help them.”

  “An aggressive therapy?”

  “Sure, something that can really help them faster. To get quicker results so they can move on with their lives,” he said, and she started to pull back, but he gave her arm a squeeze, inhaled like he was smelling her before he released her arm. She was so grossed out.

  “Maybe, but I think our ideas could be too different. You seem more clinical in your approach, and the idea of wanting faster results doesn’t always seem to be the right method. The trauma most of these men and women experienced will take time, years to overcome and to grasp.”

  “I disagree. They need that push. They’re soldiers and they’re supposed to be tough. Why baby them now? With the right medication they can definitely heal faster. I’ve seen it. Maybe you’d like to come into my office and see some of the files. I can share part of the studies I’ve done in confidence with you. You seem trustworthy,” he said and licked his lower lip. Again, total creep meter went off.

  Thank goodness Cassidy came out looking for her, or maybe she saw him corner Alaska, she wasn’t sure.

  “Dr. James, are you available now for Melana?”

  “Oh yes, I was heading that way, but just stopped to talk with Dr. Rogers,” she said, and then turned to look at him and he didn’t look happy about being interrupted. “I have to go.”

  “Don’t forget to stop in. I can clear my schedule so we won’t be interrupted,” he said, and she nodded then hurried away.

  She could see Cassidy staring at him and then she looked at her. “You okay, Alaska?” she asked.

  “Yes, fine. So Melana is available?”

  “I don’t know. We just saw Dr. Rogers eating you up with his eyes and then holding onto your arm and thought we should interrupt. He can be a bit handsy, but he’s been watching you a lot. Don’t be surprised if he asks you out.”

  “Eww I hope not.”

  Cassidy chuckled. “Definitely not your type. Marines you’re into, right?” Cassidy teased.

  “What?” Alaska asked.

  “Four older hot, sexy ones. You lucky lady.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  “Are you kidding me? Men are pissed off. They are so jealous of those men and that you aren’t available anymore. You sure weren’t in this town too long, girl. Good for you.”

  Alaska chuckled as the other ladies greeted her and began talking about hanging out at Mulligan’s and whether or not Alaska’s new men would allow it. It all seemed so normal. Not for her, but for what she thought normal might be if she weren’t in the service and a doctor in the field. Normalcy, that was definitely something she could get used to instead of danger, action, and violence.

  Guy kept his fists at his side and tried to calm his breathing. Was it true? Alaska was seeing a team of soldiers? A whole team? What the fuck? How did this happen and so quickly? He looked around the busy bar. It took him time to travel here, and by the time he arrived, the pickings were slim. He thought it a complete loss and waste of time and that just angered him more. Then he saw her. As his eyes locked onto the sweet looking blonde trying to ignore two drunk men hitting on her, he knew she was his prey. He rubbed the whiskers on his cheeks. The disguise a bit itchy, but a necessity. If he was going to be better than all these trained soldiers, then he needed to cover his bases, remain undetected and pull off every mission like a pro.

  Confidence oozed into his veins with every step he took. He was on a mission to achieve his goal, to get his prize and the let his fantasy begin. He’d waited days, planned this accordingly because the need to fuck and claim was becoming a distraction at work. In his mind he longed for the two days when she would be there. Two days, no opportunities whatsoever to engage her, to entice her into his world, into his battle. No, Alaska James was a capture of all captures. A prize he had to earn, and the only way to earn that prize was to practice on less difficult prey, like this sweet, shy woman right here.

  “Excuse me, gentleman, but that’s my date,” he said firmly and stared up at the largest of the two men.

  “What?” the one guy said to him.

  “Thank you for keeping my date occupied. Your kind gestures are no longer needed, but hey, have a couple of beers on me,” he said and then looked at the bartender and ordered two more beers for the dumb asses, which they took and walked away with. Obviously drinking those free beers meant more than snagging this piece of ass. Guy glanced at the blonde who looked at him and nibbled her bottom lip.

  “What are you drinking?” he asked.

  “Oh, I think I’m done,” she said and her speech seemed a little slurred.

  He squinted. “Nah, have another one with me. I just got here, had a hell of a week on the base, and I could use the company, the sweet smile, and just to not drink alone. I hate drinking alone,” he said and stared into her light blue eyes. She had nothing on Alaska, but she certainly would do for what he had in mind.

  Her eyes brightened and widened as she sat forward on the stool. “You work on the base? Are you military?” she asked and it annoyed him. She was another bitch who got all hot and ready to spread her thighs for a soldier. Stupid cunt. He smiled softly.

  “I’m a bit better than that. Can’t really say my position but I’m higher up then just some soldier.” He looked at the bartender. “I’ll take a Bud Light, and grab her another of whatever she’s drinking,” he said to the bartender who was rushing around trying to catch up as a group of guys and women arrived from some kind of event. They were loud and already pretty drunk.

  “What’s your name, sweetie?” he asked her as he tapped his mug of beer to her sex on the beach.


  Aggy? At least it started with an A, that was a sign. “Well, Aggy, to the end of the work week, and hopefully the beginning of a long, satisfying weekend,” he said and she blushed as took a sip of her drink and looked away. It didn’t take too long or that many drinks later to get Aggy to loosen up. She was a vet technician at
a local animal hospital. He had to listen to her talk about loving animals and slowly getting through vet school since she had to pay for it on her own, and it was taking longer to complete classes then she had anticipated. He was losing his motivation to strike until she got tipsy, nearly fell off of the stool, and her blouse parted. She had full breasts, wore a pink lace bra that didn’t match her blue top at all, but he didn’t care. It wouldn’t be on her long once he got her out of here.

  “I’m going to go use the ladies’ room.”

  “Are you sure that you’re okay to walk?”

  “Oh, I’ll be fine.” She grabbed onto his thigh as he sat on the stool holding her waist, steadying her. “Don’t you go anywhere. I’ll be so upset if you disappear,” she scolded as she pointed a finger at him.

  He chuckled, but inside he felt the need to discipline her. She would know who was in charge. Hell, she was perfect in so many ways. He looked at the bartender, a different one than earlier, and ordered her another sex on the beach. He was sure no one saw a thing as he slid his palm over the top and dropped the tiny pill into it. He sat back and sipped his beer, and looked at all the drunk men and women, and even a couple of women who would have definitely been potential opportunities. Then Aggy returned. She added lip gloss to her lips, fixed her hair, and her light blue eyes sparkled as she eyed him over. He slid his arm around her waist as he stood and balanced the stool. “Easy now, beautiful.” She smiled up at him and held onto his forearms. He kept her close. “I got you another drink.”

  She pressed her palm to her forehead. “Oh God, I don’t think I should have another one. I don’t even know how I’ll get home,” she said, but she looked at him and licked her lower lip. She was sending him all the signs, and even an invite. This was perfect. A willing partner.

  “Sweetie, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t give you a ride home?”

  “I don’t really know you though.”

  He handed her the drink and she took a sip. He reached out and stroked her cheek and jaw and she sipped through the straw a little deeper. “We’re getting to know one another, and I guarantee, there isn’t any other man you’d be safer with than me. Didn’t I save you from those two drunk soldiers looking to take advantage of you?” he asked and pulled back his hand from her cheeks and jaw. She leaned forward as if she enjoyed his touch and wanted more of it. His dick hardened. It was almost time to go.

  “Yes, you did.”

  “That’s right, so drink up and we’ll get going whenever you want to go. Oh, and one more thing before I forget,” he said as he saw her eyes getting heavy and she began to blink, the drugs kicking in.

  He stroked her jaw, tilted her chin up and moved his lips closer. “Thank you for keeping me company and for turning what was a terrible week into a fantastic Friday night. You’re as sweet as pie.” He pressed his lips to hers and she slid her palms up his chest and kissed him back. He held her close, and when he released her lips, he looked around them making sure that no one seemed to notice a thing. He smiled as she eased off the stool on shaky legs and pressed closer, hugging him. He turned her toward the bar and ran his palm along her ass. She was a bit chubby, but the extra meat on her would ensure she could take more pounding into. What he hadn’t expected was for her to slide her hand to his cock and caress him. He smiled so wide, got so excited in that moment, he almost forgot the plan. He cupped her hair and head and tilted her face up toward him.

  “You ready for that ride?” He licked his lips and she nodded her head as she stroked his cock. “Finish your drink and let’s hit the road.

  She did as he said and downed the drink. He left a nice tip on the bar, but not too nice because he didn’t want the bartenders to remember him even though he was in a disguise. They headed out together, with her stumbling a little and she gave him directions to her house. It was a small place and she complained about not being allowed to have animals and that one day she would have a huge ranch and lots of rescued animals to care for and to love. She really was sweet, and he wondered if he could keep her. Maybe draw her in and maintain some kind of relationship with her. He would have to get the drugs in her every time he showed up to fuck, but that wouldn’t be too difficult. He would see. He could get used to roleplaying like this.

  Her place was small and located in a tiny neighborhood with similar cottages. He had to help her inside, and of course right to her bedroom. She giggled as he lay her down onto the bed, his thigh between her legs. He stared down into her eyes and she blinked them several times and placed her forearm over her forehead, her top exposing more cleavage than earlier.

  “I feel so weird,” she said to him and he caressed her jaw.

  “You had a lot to drink.”

  “No, this is different weird. Like I don’t even know how we got here. You must have driven me, but I don’t remember.”

  He started to undress her. “Well then, let me try to make tonight as memorable as possible for you, Aggy.” He lowered down and kissed her jaw, her neck. She tightened slightly.

  “Oh God, I don’t really know you.”

  “You will know me really well soon enough. Now arms at your sides, and prepare for your master to rock your world like no soldier has ever done before.”

  He gripped the waistband of her skirt and began to undress her. She was curvy, and a bit overweight, but she would more than suffice for what he needed. It was all about him. His power, his control, his ability to make his women beg for more. He was so much better than those soldiers he saw hitting on her at the bar. He chuckled. “I got the girl, and you didn’t.”

  Detective Georgia Lynn Bailey sat across from her friend Marina and Marina’s co-worker Misty Ann. Her friend Marina was concerned about Misty Ann and how she had been acting lately. Supposedly a few weeks ago she met some guy at a bar, and they started seeing one another.

  “So what does he do?” Georgia asked her.

  “I don’t really know. He said something about a military base but that he wasn’t a soldier. That he was a higher up, like more corporate I assumed,” Misty said, and she played with the rim of her glass.

  Georgia noticed that her hands shook, and she seemed like she was having symptoms of a reaction. The detective in Georgia was on alert, and Marina was her friend, and this young woman came to her for guidance. “So what has you concerned since you started dating this guy?” she asked.

  She looked from Marina to Georgia.

  “It’s okay honey, you can trust Georgia. She’s really good at her job,” Marina told her.

  “I’m not sure what it is that’s bothering me, but since I met him, I haven’t been feeling well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I feel like I’m groggy after he leaves, and then a little wired, but I can’t remember what we did. He tells me things and I think I remember them, but then I’m not too sure.”

  “I don’t understand. Do you mean you like black out or something?” Georgia asked.

  “No, I can remember his touch. God, I don’t feel comfortable describing this,” Misty said to her.

  “It’s okay. You don’t need to worry about anything. You can trust me and perhaps it’s something we can help you with.”

  “I don’t want anyone to know about this. Marina kind of forced it from me because she cares. She could see the difference in my personality. I mean, I can, too, but I don’t think it’s necessarily bad. God, maybe this is nothing and I’m just going through some kind of emotional breakdown. I’ve been crazy busy at work. I have a business trip coming up next week. I don’t think Johnny is going to be too happy about me leaving him. He seems so protective. He’s very caring,” she said to her, but the poor woman was shaking and trying to hide it from Georgia now.

  Georgia wondered if she were doing drugs and maybe Marina didn’t know. “Tell me what you feel. I can see you shaking. How often does this happen and when?”


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